AnnualDataSummary: Difference between revisions

→‎Localization / Language: Spelling correction, removal of excess words!
m (→‎Localization / Language: added note about SWITCH code to end)
m (→‎Localization / Language: Spelling correction, removal of excess words!)
Example of a row,....
<pre>['maxtemp','Max Temp','Maximum Temperature',true]</pre>
*The first element, in this case 'maxtemp' -- is a system variable to identify the data set, used for the URL parameter option, used forby the ''Switch'' coding (so any chnagechange here needs to be reflected there), and also tested elsewhere in the code (in the Rainfall and Windgust data sets a particular style is applied to anytheir zero values, so their system variables should not be changed just in this list).
However, if you add a new dataset, then your new first element should be a unique identifier.
