Monthly log files: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎What can Monthly log files be used for?: Correcting v1.9.3 menu addition)
* (if the created/edited monthly log is within the current year) update the [[year.ini]] by choosing ''This year's records'' from the '''Edit''' menu. This is a text editor, and works best when at full screen. Click the ''Help'' button for detailed instructions on how all available monthly logs for the year are used.
* (if the created/edited monthly log is for the current month) update the [[month.ini]] by choosing ''This month's records'' from the '''Edit''' menu. This is a text editor, and works best when at full screen. Click the ''Help'' button for detailed instructions.
* (from version 1.9.3) update the [[monthlyalltime.ini]] by choosing ''All timeMonthly records'' from the '''Edit''' menu. This is a text editor, and works best when at full screen. Click the ''Help'' button for detailed instructions on how all relevant monthly logs for all years are used.
'' '''Note''' in each of above, you see the currently stored extremes, and you can load the monthly log(s) and dayfile.txt to view extremes calculated from those figures (as available) and optionally '''Copy''' the logged values (and associated date/time information) into the relevant ini file.''
* see everything shown (but not stored in the .ini files used for tracking extremes) in '''View''' menu displays for ''This month'', ''This period'', and ''This year'' (e.g. '''[[Heat/cold_degree_days_and_Chill_hours | Air frosts]]''', '''[[Gale_Days |Gale days]]''', Total '''[[Windrun |Wind run]]''' figures are generated by reading the appropriate monthly log(s) and doing the necessary calculation).