Cumulus.ini (preserving history): Difference between revisions

added links to a few existing articles relating to the ini; fixed a few typos
(→‎Cumulus.INI file: Added note about lastloggerdownload not being used; Corrected statement about when the file is written)
m (added links to a few existing articles relating to the ini; fixed a few typos)
The cumulus.ini [[:Category:Configuration Files| configuration file]] is a text file containing initialization parameters used by the Cumulus application.
=Cumulus.INI file=
The cumulus.ini file is a text file containing initialization parameters used by the Cumulus application.
It is located in the directory in which you installed Cumulus and is updated whenever you change any configuration parameters from the application configuration pages. Cumulus also re-writes the file when it shuts down, so if you want to edit the file yourself, make sure Cumulus is stopped.
|your station altitude as entered in the Station ConfiurationConfiguration Screen Location block.
|Altitude measurement unit as set in the Station ConfiurationConfiguration Screen Location block.
*0 = meters ASL
*1 = feet ASL
|*0 = Use 10am in summer not checked on Station Configuration Screen
*1 = Use 10am in summbersummer selected on Station Configuration Screen
|Rain measurement unit Cumulus records in as selected in the Station ConfiguratinConfiguration Units block
*0 = mm
*1 = in
|Location Description as entereentered in the Station Configuration Screen
|Year to date correction if starting part way through year as entered in the Station ConfiguratinConfiguration Screen. Default is 0.
|Section Name - the following parameters replate to your website
|Your website URL
|WebcamURL=<nowiki> </nowiki>
|URL for your Webcam
|[FTP site]
|Section Name - the following parameters replaterelate to your website FTP parameters
|Section Name - the following parameters relate to your [[Twitter]] site parameters
|Section Name - the following parameters replaterelate to your PWS weather site parameters
|Section Name - the following parameters replaterelate to your [[APRS]] weather site parameters
|Section Name - the following parameters replaterelate to your graph settings
|Section Name - the following parameters replaterelate to your alarm settings
