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329 bytes added ,  22 August 2013
== What do the various wind speeds in Cumulus correspond to, with Fine Offset stations? ==
Fine Offset stations measure wind over 48-second intervals, divided into 24 2-second intervals. At the end of each 48-second period, they report the highest of those 24 values as 'Gust', and the average of those 24 values as 'Wind'. Cumulus, for various reasons, uses different terminology, and also has configuration settings which control how some of the wind values are displayed.
* The Fine Offset console 'Gust' value becomes Cumulus 'Latest'.
* The 'Gust'highest valueof isFine displayed in Cumulus asOffset 'LatestGust'. Cumulus displays the highest of those values over the previous 10 minutes asbecomes Cumulus 'Gust'.
Cumulus 'Average' can be calculated in 3 different ways:
* The Fine Offset console 'Wind' value becomes, with default settings, Cumulus 'Average'.
With default settings, Cumulus displays the console 'Wind' value as 'Average'. Cumulus can also be configured to calculate a 10-minute average, which it will then display instead of the 'Wind' value from the station. By default, the 10-minute average is calculated from the station 'Gust' values, (i.e. the Cumulus 'Latest' values). If you set 'use speed for avg calculation', the 10-minute average is calculated from the station 'Wind' values.
* All Fine Offset 'Gust' values read over a 10 minute interval are averaged to become Cumulus 'Average' if in the ''Settings'' frame of the '''Station''' screen in the Configuration menu, you select ''Calculate 10-min wind average''.
* All Fine Offset 'Wind' values read over a 10 minute interval are averaged to become Cumulus 'Average' if in the ''Settings'' frame of the '''Station''' screen in the Configuration menu, you select ''Calculate 10-min wind average'' and also set the next option ''Use 'speed' for avg calculation''.
In short, with default settings, to find the console values in Cumulus:
Note if Cumulus is being re-started, the Fine Offset 'Gust' and 'Wind' values will initially only be available at the station's logging interval, so the last two options may only be averaging a couple of readings.
Console 'Wind' = Cumulus 'Average'
Console 'Gust' = Cumulus 'Latest'
== How do I set up recording wind speeds in Cumulus, with Oregon Scientific and La Crosse stations ==
