FAQ: Difference between revisions

460 bytes added ,  9 May 2014
m (→‎How do I correct today's or yesterday's highs and lows?: Added exception (rain yesterday total))
== How do I correct today's or yesterday's highs and lows? ==
Today's totals, highs and lows (and yesterday's rain total) are held in [[today.ini]] in the Cumulus data folder. Yesterday's totals (including RG11 rain but not standard rain), highs and lows are held in [[yesterday.ini]]. Follow the cross-references if you are unsure which parameter is what. To change any values, stop Cumulus and edit the file(s) in a text editor. Be sure to keep any date and time formats the same. If you are editing yesterday's highs and lows, you might also need to edit [[dayfile.txt]], as the same values will probably have been written to that file. You can usesuse the [[Dayfile.txt#Editing_in_Cumulus|built-in dayfile editor]] in Cumulus to do this. If your all-time and/or monthly all-time records have been affected, see the [[#How_do_I_correct_my_all-time_.28or_monthly_all-time.29_records.3F|FAQ entry below]].
If the value you want to change is today's high hourly rain figure, it is best to wait until the current figure has returned to a sensible value. There is no easy way to correct the current figure, so if you change it in today.ini while the current figure is incorrect, the high value in today.ini will immediately be changed again when you start Cumulus. More information about correcting rain [[#My_station_invented_some_rain_that_didn.27t_really_occur.2C_and_I_want_to_set_it_to_zero_.28or_some_other_figure.29 |in this FAQ]].
If the problem occurred because Cumulus wasn't able to download the data from the station's logger when you started it up in the morning (or perhaps you turned off the 'use data logger' setting for some reason), you can get it to try again by 'rewinding' to the time when you started Cumulus, and allowing it to try again. Cumulus takes a copy of the current files each time it starts up, and puts them in a folder in the backup folder in the Cumulus installation. Stop Cumulus, and find the backup folder with the appropriate timestamp, and copy all of the files from the backup folder into the Cumulus data folder, and start Cumulus up again.
