The two examples above are in same folder as Cumulus.exe or CumulusMX.exe. You also may have configuration files in a '''mqtt''' folder, or elsewhere (for example I store some batch files that Cumulus runs for me in a batch folder).
Remember as mentioned earlier, the Cumulus.ini file may need editing to update port names, any command locations, and to update file locations. There is advice about port names at [[Cumulus.ini#Swapping_from_Cumulus_1_to_MX]]. For '''Extra Web Files''', local file names will look like ''/home/pi/CumulusMX/web/trendsT.htm'' or '''/home/pi/cumulus_Templates/valuesRecentForDetailT.js'''. Please note that Cumulus MX does not recognise "'''~/'''" as shorthand for '''/home/pi/'''. Your remote file names, if you have a local server as set up in the notes here, will look like ''/var/www/html/weather/trends.html'' or '''/var/www/html/weather/js/valuesRecentForTrends.js''', depending on your folder structure. Remember, you need to give full '''rw''' permissions to the HTML folder recursively (sudo chmod -R ug+rw /var/www/html) for Cumulus MX to successfully copy there.
=== data and Reports files ===