You might have started using MX before you set up your database. There is a option in that part of the admin interface to create database tables (as required) for each of the 3 updating intervals. For example, the default name for the table updated at the standard interval is "monthly", but you could give it a name of "standard" or whatever you like.
The MX release distribution includes another executable. Type <tt>cd CumulusMX &&
#if the table name is defined in the admin interface, but the actual table does not exist, this executable will create a table with that name and the columns for the schema that applies at the release version.
#*if the table already exists, then the executable will use it.
#*the SQL syntax used is "insert ignore", so if the row for that log file line already exists in the table, it will skip onto next line of log file.
Similar instructions apply for the end of day table, although as there is only one daily summary log file, there is no optional second parameter, just type <tt>cd CumulusMX &&
There is no way to use this executable for insert of past rows into the real-time table.