Release Notes: Difference between revisions

==== Current Development (Version 5.5.0 (xx/xx/2021)) ====
#Distribution: file ''CUabout.txt'' has a name change: CUaboutCUserAbout-example.txt. CUserAbout.txt - if it exists - will be automatically uploaded with the package
#Distribution: file CUsermenu.txt will be automatically uploaded if it exists
#Distribution: file ''CUlicense.txt'' has been removed and replaced by the file LICENSE (with identical content to the website menu choice)
#Compiler: Errorhandling of Expression now leads to an error in the definition of the charts and fallback to the default charts (it was a warning)
#Compiler: STATS and PLOT are now handled as equal entry points of the PLOT section of the CHART (see prev version of CDL image to appreciate the difference)
#Compiler: a PLOT variable may now have a 'whatever' name but if so, it '''MUST''' be followed by an equation which contains a valid Plotvariable, if not an error is generated. And if a PLOT has an Eval equation it '''MUST''' now have a non-predefined name to prevent confusion and make a unique legend entry (useful for modification or translation).
#Compiler: Added the function LN (being the natural logarithm of its argument)
#Compiler: Added the function EXP (being the power function with base ''e'')
#Compiler: All Plotvariables can be used in one single equation to be combined with operators and functions '''NOTE: this is a beta function''' as it is impossible to check all combinations of variables, operators and functions. I don't expect this to work flawless. Just play with it and provide me with functions which you think should work
#Compiler: The SUM function can only be used once per chart
#Wiki: Updates conform development (please notify voids or unclarities)
==== Version 5.4.0 (21/05/2021)) ====