#Created a new project line for .NET5. When CMX is ready for .NET5 CumulusUtils will follow shortly after.
#Dayfile and Standard Logfiles are now sources through SQLite. Although the text logfiles will continue in first instance, the performance of SQLite is such that it outperforms plain text file reads. Also the availability of SQL besides the Linq library of C#
#Use latest versions of libraries. This may have effect on FTP, FTPS and SFTP. Standing
##FTPS - not all servers were able to handle re-use of resource, maybe .NET5 solves this.
##SFTP - login with just un/pw was not possible under mono, if it is neither under .NET5 the user will have to use another login possibility FTPS or use of a key.
#Map: Users will now always appear on the map, the link to their site is no longer compulsory (but highly appreciated).
#Logging: moved some messages to different classes (Tracing, Info, Warning, Error). In general the view of the logfile improved with less messages (up to level Info).
#Sysinfo: Added inifile parameter ''ExtraStationInfo'' to enter free format information for non-Davis stations.
#AirLink: Used SQLite to add the Windbarbs to the charts.
#ChartsCompiler: Used SQLite to add plot data to fetch the UserAskedData.
#Website: Multiple header images are now possible for each phase of the day: DAY, CIVIL twilight, NAUTICAL twilight, ASTRONOMICAL twilight and NIGHT. See the [[Website_Generator#Header_Background_Images|wiki]].
==== Version 6.7.7 (24/11/2021) ====