| ChillHourSeasonStart=
| Legacy Cumulus
| Chill Hours
| Chill Season Starts
| Default depends on release
* (up to 3.11.4) 10 = October
| ChillHourThreshold=
| Legacy Cumulus
| Chill Hours
| Chill Hours
| Default depends on Temperature Units
* Either 45 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to 7.22 <sup>o</sup>Celsius)
| Humidity98Fix=0
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options
| Max humidity
| 0 (disable)
| For any weather station that never reports a relative humidity greater than 98%
| RainDayThreshold=
| Legacy Cumulus
| Common Options → Advanced Options
| Rain day threshold
| Default is -1 which depends on Rainfall Units
* -1 = 0.2 mm if units are millimetres
* -1 = 0.01 if units are millimetres
* Otherwise enter a value in your selected units
| For derivatives like count of consecutive wet/dry days, any daily rainfall less than this threshold will be ignored.