m (→Operation) |
m (→Operation) |
#CumulusUtils must be run once with the command ''ExtraSensors'' (fastest) or ''Website'' to create the required parameters in the section ''[ExtraSensors]'' in the inifile.
#The module requires that the user has ''Extra Sensor'' logging enabled in CumulusMX(''CMX menu=>Station Settings=>Common Options=>Log Extra sensors'' must be enabled) AND the user must set the parameter ''ExtraSensors'' in the cumulusutils.ini file to ''true''. This last parameter makes it possible to have ''Extra Sensors'' operational in CMX but not display them on the web (if you are generating the website). Once both parameters are set to true the module is active.
#After the first run the following inifile parameters exist (see below): ''ExtraTemp, ExtraHum, ExtraDP, SoilTemp, SoilMoisture, AirQuality, UserTemp, LeafTemp, LeafWetness''. Filling these with e.g. '''1,2,3''' activates those sensors and a subsequent run will show these under the menu choice ''Extra''.
#For the CO2 sensor the parameter ''CO2='', a value 0 (or empty ) or 1 (de-)activates that sensor which subsequently is handled as an extra sensor and will be shown under the menu choice ''Extra''.
#For the lightning sensor the parameter ''LightningSensor=true/false'' (de-)activates that sensor which subsequently is displayed as a normal Extra Sensor in the list. The Lichting sensor is currently not charted as it is not logged in the ExtraSensors log. Currently charting the Lightning sensor can only be done as an External Extra Sensor. Complete charting will be possible with the implementation of the Custom Logs (no date has been set yet).
#Finally, to make it work and to bring system in the ''Extra Sensors'', '''it is required''' for the user to use ''strings.ini'' (copy it from samplestrings.ini in the distribution of CumulusMX) in the CumulusMX directory and give the sensors you want to be handled by CumulusUtils '''a short meaningfull name'''.