==== Version 6.21.5 (xx/11/23) ====
#Sysinfo: Added reception status for Ecowitt devices
#Airlink and ChartsCompiler: WindBarbs is now a translatable word
#ChartsCompiler: added an Axis Height (ToDo: Wiki compiler spec.)
#Customlogs: Changed permitted webtag ''cloudbase'' to ''cloudbasevalue'' and attached axis Height
#Website: The pwsFWI button which in the past had been moved from the navbar to the header, has now been made configurable. If you add ''PwsfwiButtonInHeader=false'' to your [Website] section of ''cumulusutils.ini'' it will configure in the navbar just before the system led. The default for this parameter is ''true'' (placing the button in the header). Editing cumulusutils.ini yourself saves the labour of a second website run.
#CustomLogs: added the following webtags to the allowed webtag list: ''"windrunmonth", "StormRain", "RecentOutsideTemp", "RecentWindChill", "RecentDewPoint", "RecentHeatIndex", "RecentHumidity", "RecentWindSpeed", "RecentWindGust", "RecentWindLatest", "RecentWindDir", "RecentWindAvgDir", "RecentPressure", "RecentRainToday", "RecentSolarRad", "RecentUV", "RecentWindChill", "RecentFeelsLike", "RecentHumidex", "snowdepth", "snowlying", "snowfalling", "Tbeaufortnumber"''.
#Customlogs: webtags in the realtime table in the left pane are now displayed including the brackets and the hash ('''<# >''') to facilitate the showing of possible [[Webtags/Parameters|modifying parameters]].
==== Version 6.21.4 (12/11/23) ====