==== Version
Major Work In Progress on a transition to .NET
During this work development on version 6 has stopped, only support maintenance when required takes place.
It is basically the larger ToDo list with wished and nice to have for CUtils
#Use of SQLite may be somewhere in the future. This is a decision for CMX. Note that it may be another database system.
##Dayfile and Standard Logfiles are now sourced through SQLite.
##ExtraSensor data are now sourced through SQLite.
##WindRose has now a much better performance because of the use of SQLite (3 times faster or better depending on the system/OS).
##Windrose bug fix: the v3 WindRose apparently had a bias to some directions/windspeeds which could not be found. The new technique with SQLite solves that issue.▼
##AirLink: Used SQLite to add the Windbarbs to the charts.▼
##ChartsCompiler: Used SQLite to add plot data to fetch the UserAskedData.▼
#Renewed compliance to [https://validator.w3.org/ W3 markup validation].
#Logging: moved some messages to different classes (Tracing, Info, Warning, Error). In general the view of the logfile improved with less messages (up to level Info).
▲#AirLink: Used SQLite to add the Windbarbs to the charts.
▲#ChartsCompiler: Used SQLite to add plot data to fetch the UserAskedData.
▲#Windrose bug fix: the v3 WindRose apparently had a bias to some directions/windspeeds which could not be found. The new technique with SQLite solves that issue.
#ExtraSensors: If the ExtraSensors remain open for more than 10 minutes (or multiples thereof) the ExtraSensor charts are reloaded. With this the ExtraSensors have the same feature as the Home charts.