==== Version 7.0.0 beta
#General: The platform for CUtils version 7 will now be .NET 8. Instructions for installing .NET 8 (for Linux) will be supplied in the CMX forum.
#ChartsCompiler: Added PERIOD for SMA stats line. If no period is given a default is given by the parameter ''SmaPeriod'' in section [Compiler]. See [[Charts_Definition_Language_(CDL)|CDL]] Plot Specification
#General: Extensive rewrite of all logfile reading because of the invariant write by CMX. Transparent for the user.
#Highcharts: there were two charts which did not work with HC 11.3 which had been accepted as bugs. The Heatmap is fixed but it is unknown when it propagates through the CDN. The Rain vs EVT chart has a workaround and should work. Advise: empty the parameter ''UseSpecificHighchartsVersion'', if problems re-occur, use version 11.2
#HighCharts: There may be some cookie issues if you are working with Chrome. afawk other browsers are still working fine. No solution as yet. Please inform me when having issues.
#Because of the logfile invariance you may remove the parameter ''MonthsOfMiracleAndWonder''
#ChartsCompiler: To have more words in the drop down menu choice of a Charts class, make a chart-ID with underscores. Underscores will get replaced by spaces.
#Website: The URL now has the current report as parameter so if copied and pastes you can bypass the menu.
#Website: As a consequence of the URL parameters, the core of the runtime system was rewritten which as a spin off now has all charts generated by the [[ChartsCompiler]] being refreshed after the configured ''Interval'' nr of minutes.
==== Version 6.23.6 (30/01/24) ====