==== Version 7.0.0 beta
#General: The platform for CUtils version 7 will now be .NET 8. Instructions for installing .NET 8 (for Linux) will be supplied in the CMX forum.
#ChartsCompiler: Added PERIOD for SMA stats line. If no period is given a default is given by the parameter ''SmaPeriod'' in section [Compiler]. See [[Charts_Definition_Language_(CDL)|CDL]] Plot Specification
#Website: The URL now has the current report as parameter so if copied and pastes you can bypass the menu.
#Website: As a consequence of the URL parameters, the core of the runtime system was rewritten which as a spin off now has all charts generated by the [[ChartsCompiler]] being refreshed after the configured ''Interval'' nr of minutes.
#General: '''''Duplication and Order of the data''''' : CUtils V7 is able to detect duplication and order errors of data. For some reason CMX sometimes has duplicate times in the logs, this may create errors in charts and definitely faults your statistics. This test is activated by default but if you wish to leave the errors (bad, but it may be a lot of work) or when you are done correcting you can switch the test off by setting the parameter ''CheckDateOrder'' (section ''General'') to ''false'' (default is ''true''). It is a choice to act upon these warnings/errors but if you wish not to act, it is best to switch the feature off as it takes time. The errors are indicated in the logfile in the section reading the monthly logs.
==== Version 6.23.6 (30/01/24) ====