m (→Prerequisites) |
(It can be a filename of choice but must have extension of .bat, if using windows notepad, underneath the File name: option, will need to set Save as type: option to All Files (*.*). This way when the File name: is set as cumulusutils.bat it will save it as that and not cumulusutils.bat.txt)
====== Batch file code of cumulusutils.bat ======
'''''For v6 and below (running under mono):'''''<br/><br/>
REM This batch file script checks for the process CumulusMX.exe is running, if yes, then runs the "cumulusutils.exe", otherwise exit</br>
REM Set the current working session to the folder C:\CumulusMX</br>
NOTE: The command shown here is ''Website''. The user can put any command he likes in here (with or without ''Thrifty'') depending on what he wants to achieve. Possibly he has to create multiple tasks (e.g. UserAskedData specifically runs on a higher frequency than website). These commands then require their own batch files.
'''''For v7 and up (running under dotnet):'''''<br/><br/>
REM This batch file script checks for the process CumulusMX.exe is running, if yes, then runs the "cumulusutils.exe", otherwise exit<br/>
REM Set the current working session to the folder C:\CumulusMX<br/>
cd C:\CumulusMX<br/>
REM Check for CumulusMX.exe is running, if yes goto :runutils, otherwise goto :end<br/>
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq CumulusMX.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "CumulusMX.exe">NUL<br/>
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" GOTO runutils<br/>
GOTO end<br/>
REM Set as working directory C:\CumulusMX and run cumulusutils.exe in folder C:\CumulusMX\utils\bin, with the desired command or commands as per the wiki<br/>
START /D C:\CumulusMX dotnet C:\CumulusMX\utils\bin\cumulusutils.dll Website<br/>
===== Task creation process =====