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428 bytes added ,  27 May 2024
If you are using a later MX release than that stated, check [ the MX release announcements] for all releases since that stated below to see if the "software libraries" have been upgraded, if they have then the respective utility because it has been compiled with older versions of the respective .dll files will probably not work. (Sometimes the names of new .dll files are different to the names of the old .dll files, so an upgrade of MX done by copying files over an existing installation will leave the old files there, in that case the utility might still work by picking up old names).
=== Migrate Data v3 to v4 ===
~ The MigrateDatav3to4 ''v1.0.1'' download dated 27 May 2024 [ is here].
A utility to migrate your data files from Cumulus MX v3 format to v4 format.
Read [ Cumulus MX Version 4 - IMPORTANT Additional Information] for information on how to use this utility.
=== Create Missing ===
~ The CreateMissing.exe ''v1.4.3'' download dated 05 February 2024 (works with MX release of 3.20.0 onwards) [ is here].
Check compatibility with the MX release you have running as per notes above. (Although earlier releases of "Create Missing" exist on "", their software bugs imply they should not be used). Install into same directory as "CumulusMX.exe".
=== Create Records ===
~ The CreateRecords.exe ''v0.1.1'' download dated 13 December 2023 [ is here].
A utility to create, or recreate, missing [[Correcting_Extremes|extreme records]] from Cumulus MX by parsing your [[dayfile.txt|daily summary (dayfile.txt)]].
=== Export ''To'' MySQL ===
~ The ExportToMySQL.exe ''v1.10.0'' download dated 07 January 2024 (works with release of MX 3.28.1 or later) [ is here.]
Check compatibility with the MX release you have running as per notes above. Note that compatibility is needed both with the .dll files and with the columns present in the database table to be updated.

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