CumulusUtils Runtime Library: Difference between revisions

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== Introduction ==
''CumulusUtils.js'' is the javascript runtime library providing the modular user with functionality otherwise available only in the website. It provides e.g. timing, realtime values, clocks and report loading. It is intended for users who are using CumulusUtils in a [[Modules|modular fashion]] and are willing and able to use javascript. The available globals and functions are described below.
The library can be found in the utils directory (on the CumulusMX machine) and is transferred after generation to the lib directory on the server.
The library is intended to be used when CUtils is used in a modular fashion. Any other use is not supported. When using modules which require javascript to function properly (e.g. the Graphs modules) cumulusutils.js must be included in the users webpage using the following HTML code:
<script defer src='lib/cumulusutils.js'></script>
And following the note above:
<script src=''></script>
And for using the sun and moon discs:
<script src=''></script>"
<script src='lib/suncalc.js'></script>
== Globals ==
''$(function () {<arguments>} )''
At load time this function is called automatically - so it is h ere just for information, no user call is required - and initialises the library by calling the following functions:
#''loadRealtimeTxt'' => initializes the loading of ''realtime.txt'' and distributes the values over the dashboard
#''RT_timer = setInterval(loadRealtimeTxt, 30 * 1000);'' => Initialize the interval timer for reading realtime.txt (see below)
#''CreateSun'' and ''CreateMoon'' => Creates the sun and moon disc
#''MinuteFunctions'' => initializes the minute function which takes care of the chart refreshes and the moving of the sun disc hand.
#''HourFunctions'' => initialisezinitializes the hour functions which takes care of the moondisc updates
#''LoadUtilsReport'' => It calls the initial report to load
This applies the gauges settings from ''cumulusutils.ini'' which requires the CUtils specific ''gauges.js''.<br>
Gauges which use the CMX gauges library are untouched.
''LoadUtilsReport(string, bool);'' => Loads the intended report in the DIV with ID ''CUReportView''
Argument 1: The name of the report to load into DIV with ID: ''CUReportView''<br>
Argument 2: Boolean (true/false) indicating the report will be refreshed after <interval> amount of minutes. Normally used for charts.
Argument 2: Boolean (true/false) indicating the report will be refreshed after ''<interval>'' amount of minutes. Normally usedtrue for charts.
In principle any text can be loaded in the DIV with ID ''CUReportView'' but for proper formatting it requires HTML. It can contain any javascript if that is contained in <SCRIPT></SCRIPT tags.
In principle any text can be loaded in the DIV with ID ''CUReportView'' but for proper formatting it requires HTML. It can contain any javascript if that is contained in <SCRIPTbr></SCRIPT tags.
It can contain any javascript if that is contained in <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags.
=== CreateSun / CreateMoon ===
These functions create the sun and the moon discs in the DIVs with the IDs ''d3SunDisc'' and ''d3MoonDisc'' respectively.<br>
These functions require the ''d3 library'' to be loaded.

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