==== Version 7.3.2 (xx/xx/24) ====
#Diary: Fix Unit of ''snowDepth'' in chart axis (now: cm)
#Diary: Changed the reporting display of numbers. This way a '0' filled in field displays differently from an non-filled in field:
##both snowDepth and snow24h are filled in and a number (may be '0') => both are displayed
##only one of snowDepth and snow24h are filled in with a number (may be '0') => the number is displayed, the other has '---'
##both snowDepth and snow24h are ''not filled in'' => one column centred '---' is filled in for that date
#Default Cumulus Charts: fixed for current CMX
#Language: ''TableView'' and ''ChartView'' can now be translated (section ''Diary'')