== Altering the gauge 'layout' on the page ==
It is easy to 'move' the gauges around the page to create alternative layouts. By default, there are
To move the gauges you just need to edit the HTML file and move <div>'s (and their contents) with a<br>class="gauge". Each 'row' is contained within a <div> with a class="row". If you do re-order the<br>gauges, then DO NOT change the "tip_N" numbers, each number is associated with a particular gauge not<br>it's position on the page. ▼
I use the following 'horizontal' layout on my personal page (no Solar or UV optional gauges, but with<br>the optional Wind Rose) ▼
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▲To move the gauges you just need to edit the HTML file and move <div>'s (and their contents) with a
▲I use the following 'horizontal' layout on my personal page (no Solar or UV optional gauges, but with
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== Weather Display Users ==