Latest build is...
*[https://github.com/cumulusmx/CumulusMX/releases/download/b3058/CumulusMXDist3058.zip Cumulus MX v3.2.2 build 3058, 03-December-2019] Cumulus MX, a cross platform version of Cumulus which runs on Windows, Linux (including the Raspberry Pi) and Mac OS X. (M Crossley update)
*[https://github.com/cumulusmx/CumulusMX Cumulus MX Current Source Code] This code base is updated for all releases after b3043.
This release and source code are the last offerings from Steve Loft before he handed the project over to "the community".
*[//{{SERVERNAME}}/Downloads/CumulusMXDist3043.zip Cumulus MX v3.0.0 build 3043, 20-Jan-2017] Cumulus MX, a cross platform version of Cumulus which runs on Windows, Linux (including the Raspberry Pi) and Mac OS X (Steve Loft - final release).
*[//{{SERVERNAME}}/Downloads/CumulusMXSource.zip Cumulus MX Source Code] The original source code from Steve Loft. Offered completely '''without support''' in the hope that it might be useful. The code is very badly structured due to the 'Frankenstein' way it was cobbled together from various places. Some of it is a machine translation of parts of Cumulus 1. This version of the code is post b3043.