m (→Additional remarks: Added the language page link) |
CumulusUtils Usage : utils/bin/cumulusutils.exe [args] (args case independent):
[ [[SysInfo]] ] [ [[Forecast]] ] [ [[StationMap]] ] [ [[UserReports]] ]
[ [[pwsFWI]] ][ [[Top10]] ][ [[Graphs]] ][ [[Yadr]] ][ [[Records]] ]
[ [[NOAA]] ][ [[DayRecords]] ][ [[AirQuality]] ][ [[CompileOnly]] ]
| [ [[Thrifty]] ] [[All]]
| [[CheckOnly]]
OR (in case you use the website generator):
utils/bin/cumulusutils.exe [ [[Thrifty]] ] [[Website]]
All ''modules'' mentioned in the command will be described in their own pages here on the wiki and when available will be linked from here.
The commands represent the ''modules'' the user is asking for to be generated. The output is generated to the utils directory in the ''CumulusMX'' directory. When asking for the generation of the website, the user not only gets all ''modules'' available but also an ''index.html'' file accompanied with some javascript infrastructure. Everything together then is the website which, when copied to the webroot, is ready for use.
Copying to the webroot can also be done automatically through the FTP account of the user, much like ''CumulusMX'' itself copies e.g. the realtime.txt or the datafiles to the webroot. The FTP account and domain used are the same as present in the [[Cumulus.ini]] configuration.
== Additional remarks ==