The things it is looking for are realtime.txt and realtimegauges.txt. Those are sent by CMX to the directory you configure in ''Settings=>Web/FTP Site''.
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings'': Tick both options to enable realtime FTP
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Standard File settings'': Disable both options (for CumulusUtils, if you have websites which use those, leave it enabled)
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Graph File Settings'': Enable all (both ''Generate'' and ''Transfer'') except ''availabledata.json'' and ''airquality.json''
And if you use the ''ChartsCompiler'' (or plan to use, you may nbe more selective later when understanding what and how):
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Daily Graph File Settings'': Enable all options
otherwise, disable.
If you start using the ''ChartsCompiler'', you may need the ''UserAskedData'' command to CumulusUtils. See the [[ChartsCompiler]].