RecentUpload: Difference between revisions

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m (moved AddOn\RecentUpload to RecentUpload: revised the page name to remove the backslash which was causing some issues)
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//config - define variables to match the files you are interested in
//config - define variables to match the files you are interested in
// format: "file nickname", "update frequency", "file url" - nickname may be "" (will be replaced by url)
// format: "file nickname", "update frequency", "file url"
// - nickname may be "" (will be replaced by url)

$nickname[] = "Realtime.txt"; $freq[]="30 Seconds"; $file_url[]="./realtime.txt";
$nickname[] = "Realtime.txt"; $freq[]="30 Seconds"; $file_url[]="./realtime.txt";
Line 88: Line 89:


Revision as of 11:36, 22 August 2009

Name: RecentUpload
Type: HTML & PHP
Author: Jason Duncombe
Contact: 6719jason via Forum
Last update: 20 Aug 2009
Version: 1.2

RecentUpload shows a list of files on your webserver and the date and time of their last update. This is predominately useful for a system admin/website owner as a quick and convenient way to check that Cumulus has been able to upload the necessary data files and webpages to your site. It is not specific to Cumulus files so you could check other files on your webserver!

This script relies on PHP so your webserver must support it (The majority of hosted servers do. If you are running your own webserver you many need to install and configure it)


Copy the following code into an existing web page, or create a new page. All this code should appear within the <body> </body> tags.

As this is PHP code, the webpage filename must ended in ".php". For example, recentupdate.php


//config - define variables to match the files you are interested in
// format: "file nickname", "update frequency", "file url"
// - nickname may be "" (will be replaced by url)

$nickname[] = "Realtime.txt"; $freq[]="30 Seconds"; $file_url[]="./realtime.txt";
$nickname[] = "Homepage"; $freq[]="5mins"; $file_url[]="./index.html";
$nickname[] = "Station Records"; $freq[]="5mins"; $file_url[]="./record.html";
$nickname[] = "Station Trends"; $freq[]="5mins"; $file_url[]="./trends.html";

// ######### That's it, nothing else to do !

$this_output = "
The current data and time is: ".date("m/d/y H:i:s T")."<br/><br/>
   <tr><th>Uploaded File</th><th>Upload Frequency</th><th>Last Upload</th><th>Time Since Last Upload</th>";

for ($i=0; ($i<count($file_url)); $i++) {
   if(file_exists($file_url[$i])) { // cheap and cheerful existence check
      $this_output .= "<tr><td>" .($nickname[$i] ? $nickname[$i] : $file_url[$i]). "</td><td>" .$freq[$i]. "<td>" .date("m/d/y H:i:s T", $when). "</td><td>" .timediff($file_url[$i]). "</td></tr>\n";
   } else { // the file is misnamed or not uploaded
      $this_output .= "<tr><td>" .$file_url[$i]. "</td><td>" .$freq[$i]. "<td><b>NO SUCH FILE !</b></td><td><b>NO SUCH FILE !</b></td></tr>\n";
   } // END existence check
} // END array loop

$this_output .= "</table>\n";

echo $this_output;

//  Function timediff - Jason Duncombe - Weeley Weather Station UK
//  //  version: 1.2 - 19/08/09 - Public Released version
//  Description: This function calculates the number of seconds, minutes,
//  hours, or days since the file's timestamp has been written. This works
//  well for files uploaded to your website via FTP, since the timestamp
//  reflects when the file was last written to the server with your FTP client.
function timediff ($filepath) {
   //Get time stamp of file
   $t = date("mdyHis", filemtime($filepath));
   //Split $t into month, day, and year values
   $m = substr($t, 0, 2);
   $d = substr($t, 2, 2);
   $y = substr($t, 4, 2);
   $h = substr($t, 6, 2);
   $min = substr($t, 8, 2);
   $s = substr($t, 10, 2);
   $timestamp = mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $d, $y);
   $tdiff = mktime() - $timestamp; //Subtrack $timestamp from now, give us diff in seconds.
   //Determin how to display by size of timediff
   if ($tdiff < 60) { 
      //Timediff is less then 1 minute, so must be seconds
      return $tdiff." sec";
   } elseif ($tdiff < 3600) { 
      //timediff is less then 1 hour, so must be minutes
      $tdiff=number_format($tdiff, 1, '.', '');
      return $tdiff." min";
   } elseif ($tdiff < 216000) { 
      //timediff is less then 1 day, so must be hours.
      $tdiff=number_format($tdiff, 1, '.', '');
      return $tdiff." hr";
   } else { 
      //timediff is greater then 1 day, so must be days.
      $tdiff=number_format($tdiff, 1, '.', '');
      return $tdiff." days";


At the top of this code are a set of variables, three for each file to be checked:

Variable Description Example
$nickname[] Describe the use of the file. If you leave this blank it will use the filename as the description Realtime data
$freq[] How often would you expect the file to be updated. This is for your information only and is displayed on the page but does not have any affect on the code 15 seconds
$file_url[] the path to where the file is, relative to where this code is running ./realtime.txt

A complete set of three variables is required for each file to be checked. Repeat as necessary; in the above example we are checking four files.


Save the file (remember the .php at the end) and upload to your webserver. Now surf to the page using your website address and location of the php file. Example If all goes well you should see a table with your filenames and when they were last updated.


Rather than add all this code to your existing page, create a new file with all the code, save it (let's call it recentupload.php). Now in your actual website page, insert the following line

<?PHP include("recentupload.php");?>

Note: your 'actual' website page must now also have .php at the end of the filename and not .html for this to work.

Further Enhancement

Why not have the page refresh automatically? (This works for either html or php file types)

Somewhere in the <head> tag (or if you wish in the <body>) place the following code:

<script language="javascript"> 
var phpdatFile = 'recentupload.php'; // URL location of PHP file
function file_data(phpurl) {
  if (document.getElementById) {
    var xx = (window.ActiveXObject) ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest(phpurl);
  if (xx) { // got something back
    xx.onreadystatechange = function() {
    try { if (xx.readyState == 4 && xx.status == 200) { 
//    var currdat = x.responseText.replace(/\r\n/g, "");	// this gets rid of any line ending
//   	var currdat = currdat.split(' ');	// populate the array
	 } // END if (xx.readyState == 4 && x.status == 200)
    } // END try
   	catch(e){}  // Mike Challis added fix to fix random error: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE
    } // END xx.onreadystatechange = function() {"GET", phpurl, true);
      setTimeout("file_data(phpdatFile + '?' + new Date().getTime())", 1000); // get new data 
//    }
} // end file_data function
// initial call
file_data(phpdatFile + '?' + new Date().getTime());

Update the top of this code....var phpdatFile = 'recentupload.php'; with the filename you used earlier (in the Tips section above).

Now, somewhere in the <body> of your html page insert the line

<div id="the_content">Any Second Now......</div>

Your page will now refresh the data every one second.

To change the refresh rate adjust the figure 1000 in the code above. This is the time in milliseconds. So to refresh every 30 seconds it would be 30000
