==== Version 6.15.5 (xx/xx/23) ====
#General: The number of solar hours has a non-translated unit '''hrs'''. This is removed as the description label is sufficient.
#ExtraSensors: Added the Lightning Sensor. Activate with parameter ''LightningSensor=true''.
#ExtraSensors: On change of value, the value is displayed for 3 seconds in the colour defined by ''ColorDashboardTextAccent'', much like the main dashboard values.
#StationMap: Reshuffled the code for the rotation of map objects. Now the map loads correctly after the User map (which it didn't, might you not have noticed it)
#Unit Pressure: Pressure in ''hPa'' is now in one decimal (to get better distinction in Records modules) and in ''inHg'' is now 2 decimals.