#ExtraSensors: If the ExtraSensors remain open for more than 10 minutes (or multiples thereof) the ExtraSensor charts are reloaded. With this the ExtraSensors have the same feature as the Home charts.
==== Version 7.0.0 beta 1(xx/xx/24) ====
#General: The platform for CUtils version 7 will now be .NET 8. Instructions for installing .NET 8 (for Linux) will be supplied in the CMX forum.
#ChartsCompiler: Added PERIOD for SMA stats line. If no period is given a default is given by the parameter ''SmaPeriod'' in section [Compiler]. See [[Charts_Definition_Language_(CDL)|CDL]] Plot Specification
#ChartsCompiler: STATS is now also possible on equation results (which have a different name than the CMX plotvars).
#ChartsCompiler: All axis will now be generated with min and max labels (min and max values will be shown), UV axis will now have soft max of 10.
#Sysinfo: Fixed : lines to be omitted from the systeminfo output on Windows
#General: The console output when run from the command line does from now on only contain some informational (where am i) and Error information. If you use a colour terminal the Error should jump out.
#One major change for CUtils is that the CustomLogs require a comma field separator (it was a space). As a result the definition needs to be adjusted (replace the space between webtags with comma) and the existing data need to be edited. To do this (after the conversion):
##shutdown CMX
#HighCharts: There may be some cookie issues if you are working with Chrome. afawk other browsers are still working fine. No solution as yet.
#Because of the logfile invariance you may remove the parameter ''MonthsOfMiracleAndWonder''
#ChartsCompiler: To have more words in the drop down menu choice of a Charts class, make a chart-ID with underscores. Underscores will get replaced by spaces.