CumulusUtils Runtime Library: Difference between revisions

''LoadUtilsReport(string, bool);'' => Loads the intended report in the DIV with ID ''CUReportView''
Argument 1: The name of the report to load into DIV with ID: ''CUReportView''<br>
Argument 2: Boolean (true/false) indicating the report will be refreshed after <interval> amount of minutes. Normally used for charts.
Argument 2: Boolean (true/false) indicating the report will be refreshed after ''<interval>'' amount of minutes. Normally usedtrue for charts.
In principle any text can be loaded in the DIV with ID ''CUReportView'' but for proper formatting it requires HTML. It can contain any javascript if that is contained in <SCRIPT></SCRIPT tags.
In principle any text can be loaded in the DIV with ID ''CUReportView'' but for proper formatting it requires HTML. It can contain any javascript if that is contained in <SCRIPTbr></SCRIPT tags.
It can contain any javascript if that is contained in <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags.
=== CreateSun / CreateMoon ===