FAQ: Difference between revisions

1 byte added ,  3 October 2012
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Are you absolutely sure you have set the ftp path correctly? Most problems like this are a result of an incorrect path. Try turning on the ftp logging and look in the ftplog.txt and realtimeftplog.txt files. It is best to supply a relative path - i.e. with no leading 'slash'. Please don't ask me what path you need to supply, it is impossible for me to guess how your web space is set up. If you cannot work it out, ask your web space provider for help.
== My web pages have things like <#location> in them ==
You’ve edited them with something like Dreamweaver, and it’s changed the angle brackets on the [[Webtags]] to "& lt ;" and "& gt ;" - you need to change them back to < and >. ''These may look very similar when viewed in your browser, but you can only generate the correct ones by using the appropriate keys on your keyboard.''
== Cumulus won't process my web tags ==
If it's an 'extra' file of your own, listed on the 'files' tab of the internet settings, make sure you have ticked the 'process' box. Check that your web tags haven't been changed by your editing software so that they are no longer web tags. See "My web pages have things like <#location> in them" above.
== My ‘new record’ light has stopped flashing ==
Cumulus does sometimes report an error when you close it. This does not appear to cause any problems, you can just close the error message. I don't seem to be able to do anything about this, as the 'crash' is not in code that I have control over. You may be able to avoid this error by avoiding closing Cumulus while it is uploading to the internet. Please don't bother sending me a bug report about this.
== I'm using the supplied web pages, and get lower case in places where I want upper case ==
It's in the CSS. Edit weatherstyle.css and find lines like: "text-transform: lowercase;" and remove them.
== My forecast says "Not available" ==
== The 'real time wind data' gauges on the standard gauges page aren't working ==
These require a realtime.txt file to be uploaded by Cumulus. Tick the "Enable Realtime", "Enable Realtime FTP" and "Enable realtime.txt FTP" boxes on the internet settings screen. If the gauges still do not work, check that the realtime.txt file is being uploaded to the correct place. If it is not, it is likely that you have specified an incorrect 'ftp directory' in Cumulus.
== I'm using the supplied web pages, and get lower case in places where I want upper case ==
It's in the CSS. Edit weatherstyle.css and find lines like: "text-transform: lowercase;" and remove them.
== My web pages have things like <#location> in them ==
You’ve edited them with something like Dreamweaver, and it’s changed the angle brackets on the [[Webtags]] to "& lt ;" and "& gt ;" - you need to change them back to < and >. ''These may look very similar when viewed in your browser, but you can only generate the correct ones by using the appropriate keys on your keyboard.''
== Cumulus won't process my web tags ==
If it's an 'extra' file of your own, listed on the 'files' tab of the internet settings, make sure you have ticked the 'process' box. Check that your web tags haven't been changed by your editing software so that they are no longer web tags. See "My web pages have things like <#location> in them" above.
== Running a web server on the same PC as Cumulus ==