Thrifty - Cutils Command Qualifier: Difference between revisions

Thrifty tries to effectively minimise what needs to be done to create the output i.e. it will not generate YADR output for years past as, once generated, the information will never change again. Every module has different methods and needs. This article describes how to invoke thrifty and what the user can expect.
Note that CumulusMX itself uploads the data for the charts to the website. It is not advised to switch that off completely but to verify that you only send the data for the charts you use require. The data will be the bulk of your transfers so it will count.
This is a work in progress as user requests, new efficiency discoveries and efficiency code changes will change over time.
Thrifty was primarily developed with internet transfers in mind, in a second stage CPU usage and generation were added. This is a work in progress as user requests, new efficiency discoveries and efficiency code changes will change over time.
Note that CumulusMX itself uploads the data for the charts to the website. It is not advised to switch that off but verify you only send the data the charts you use require. The data will be the bulk of your transfers so it will count.
== Operation ==