==== Version 5.6.0 (xx/xx/2021) ====
#MeteoCam: First release of a simple MeteoCam (Webcam) module. See [[MeteoCam|Wiki
#ChartsCompiler: Lines starting with a semicolon [;] are now treated as comment.
#ChartsCompiler: Equations section added (see [[Charts_Definition_Language_(CDL)|wiki for CDL]]) and they can be substituted in other EVAL equations
#ChartsCompiler: EVAL and STATS now work for both the ALL and the RECENT ranges
NOTE: The combination of the EQUATIONS block and the EVAL of PLOT makes it possible to evaluate more complex (as in meteorological) Equations. The Possibility of combining Plotvariables and calculations makes it possible to evaluate different approximations for e.g. Dewpoint. Both clarified by the example below. The release contains as usual a complete set of test charts. Sometimes with meaning, sometimes just for testing. This set of test charts is an example and a test. Nothing more.
test1 EVAL [ Humidity/100 * 6.112 ]
test2 EVAL [ EXP(17.62*Temperature/(243.12+Temperature)) ]
; Documentation:
; https://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/dochelp/QA/Basic/dewpoint.html
; Compare the Dewpoint from Cumulus with a calculated approximation
; Later I will enter the Cumulus Calculation and have the Dewpoint be produced by the Davis station
; Nice comparison
Chart MyDewpoint Title Dewpoint Calculations in CDL
Plot RECENT Dewpoint
Plot RECENT CalcDewpoint EVAL [ Temperature - ((100 - Humidity)/5) ] Axis Temp
; STATS Dewpoint SMA colour green
Chart MyPressure Title Vapour pressure calculations in CDL
Plot RECENT Pressure
Plot RECENT MyActualVapourPressure Eval [ test1 * test2 ] Axis Free
==== Version 5.5.2 (06/06/2021) ====