Cumulus maintains a daily file of the highs and lows of each day, as well as a few other nuggets of information. The data contained in the file are used to build the graphs.
The file is called dayfile.txt which can be viewed in a text editor or imported into various database systems or spreadsheets to manipulate as you wish.
Tip -- take a copy of the file to work on it elsewhere.
Format of the file
- Date in the form dd/mm/yy
- Highest wind gust,
- Bearing of highest wind gust
- Time of highest wind gust
- Minimum temperature
- Time of minimum temperature
- Maximum temperature
- Time of maximum temperature
- Minimum sea level pressure
- Time of minimum pressure
- Maximum sea level pressure
- Time of maximum pressure
- Maximum rainfall rate
- Time of maximum rainfall rate
- Total rainfall for the day
- Average temperature for the day
- Total wind run
- Highest Average Wind Speed
- Time of Highest Avg. Wind speed
- Lowest humidity
- Time of lowest humidity
- Highest humidity
- Time of highest humidity
- Total evapotranspiration
- Total hours of sunshine
- High heat index
- Time of high heat index
- High apparent temperature
- Time of high apparent temperature
- Low apparent temperature
- Time of low apparent temperature
- High hourly rain
- Time of high hourly rain
- Low wind chill
- Time of low wind chill
The last 16 entries were added in version 1.9.1
Example of the file
An extract of a few lines of the dayfile.txt
25/01/10,11.0,270,22:56,-1.3,18:59,5.3,11:14,1032.7,00:04,1038.6,23:55,3.6,06:39,0.3,1.6,39.6,5.6,23:52 26/01/10,14.5,248,14:46,1.5,00:00,6.7,14:19,1034.5,23:59,1039.3,10:16,0.0,00:00,0.0,3.8,116.5,11.1,23:26 27/01/10,25.5,315,02:56,2.6,23:07,8.5,04:42,1020.0,23:58,1034.6,00:00,3.6,14:30,2.4,5.8,112.4,10.7,04:15 28/01/10,7.2,315,01:59,1.7,22:54,4.6,17:09,998.2,23:34,1020.3,00:01,3.6,02:46,9.0,2.9,41.6,7.1,02:09 29/01/10,9.1,248,01:14,-2.1,17:43,1.7,00:00,997.1,16:15,999.3,23:54,3.6,00:31,0.3,-0.1,7.9,5.0,01:21