Revision as of 16:59, 19 January 2010 by Steve (talk | contribs) (added question about changing today's rainfall)

The Cumulus FAQ

If you think a question is missing from the FAQ, please add it!

Installing and Running Cumulus

What operating systems does Cumulus run on?

Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Home Server, and Windows Server 2008. It may also work on Windows 2000, but this is not supported. You will probably not be able to get it to work on Windows 2000 with a Fine Offset station.

What weather stations does Cumulus work with?

Davis Vantage Pro (VP) and Vantage Pro2 (VP2), Oregon Scientific WM918, WMR918, WMR928 and WMR968, stations which use the Easyweather software such as MyDEL, Nevada, Watson and Fine Offset, with model numbers such as WH1080, WH1081, W8681, 265NC etc, and the La Crosse WS2300 range. You may have problems with corrupt data if you use a WS23xx with a serial/USB adapter; this combination is therefore not supported.

For a complete list see the Supported Devices page.

Will you support weather station X?

It’s quite hard to support a particular weather station when I don’t have access to one. Also, most companies don’t seem to like third parties writing software for their stations, so don’t make the protocol available. However, if the protocol is available somewhere, and you are prepared to do all of the testing (it will be frustrating, hard work), I may consider adding support for your weather station. Please post a request on the forum.

How do I upgrade to a new release?

Back up your data, and run the new setup. Occasionally, there may be actions you need to perform before or after the upgrade - these will be documented in the readme.txt file.

How do I back up my data, or transfer it to Cumulus on another computer?

Copy the contents of the Cumulus ‘data’ folder.

What are the formats of the Cumulus data files?

These are detailed in the Log Files section of this Wiki and also in the Cumulus help file, in the section “Data log file format”

What do the various wind speeds in Cumulus correspond to, with Fine Offset stations?

For Fine Offset stations, the ‘latest’ value in Cumulus corresponds to the ‘gust’ value on the station. The ‘gust’ value in Cumulus is the highest of the ‘latest’ figures in the last 10 minutes. The ‘average’ value in Cumulus is either the ’speed’ from the station (a 48-second average, apparently) or, if you have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average, it’s the average over the last 10 minutes of the ‘latest’ values.

How do I make Cumulus run automatically when Windows starts?

There is no option in Cumulus to set this up autotmatically as I prefer to leave it under the control of the user: The safest and most reliable method is simply to put a shortcut in your Startup folder. If you are running Vista or Windows 7, you may find that Cumulus gets blocked by UAC if you try to run it from the Startup folder, in which case it is recommended that you use Task Scheduler instead. See here for a good description of how to do this - http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=616


I’ve configured my ftp details but the web pages aren’t appearing on my site

Try setting ‘use active FTP mode’.

I’ve tried active FTP mode, buy my web pages still don’t appear?

Are you absolutely sure you have set the ftp path correctly? Most problems like this are a result of an incorrect path. Try turning on the ftp logging and look in the ftplog.txt and realtimeftplog.txt files.

My web pages have things like <#location> in them

You’ve edited them with something like Dreamweaver, and it’s changed the angle brackets on the webtags to < and > - you need to change them back to < and >. These may look very similar on your screen, but you can only generate the correct ones by using the appropriate keys on your keyboard.

My ‘new record’ light has stopped flashing

The ‘new record’ light only flashes when an all-time record has been broken.

I installed a new version and my web page templates got over-written

The supplied web page templates are part of Cumulus and will be over-written on upgrade. If you want to create your own web pages, don’t edit the supplied ones, use the ‘extra files’ facility.

I can’t find my data files!

You’re probably running Windows Vista or Windows 7. Look in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Cumulus. Ideally, to avoid this situation, you would install to somewhere outside the Program Files hierarchy, as recommended in the readme.txt.

My sunrise and sunset times are wrong

You've almost certainly entered your co-ordinates incorrectly. Use upper case for the letters (later versions of Cumulus accept lower case too).

The Moon rise or set time is showing dashes.

The moon doesn’t rise and set every day, the dashes appear when that event doesn’t occur on that particular day. The period between a moon rise and set is approximately 12 hours and 25 minutes, on average. The moon rises (or sets) approximately 50 minutes later, on average, each day. It therefore follows that sometimes the moon will not rise or set on a particular day - i.e. it had risen the previous day, or will set on the following day.

I’ve ‘zoomed’ a graph, how do I get it back to full size?

Drag from lower right to upper left.

My monthly and/or annual rainfall totals are wrong

The monthly and annual rainfall totals are calculated from the daily totals in dayfile.txt. So you need to stop Cumulus and edit the daily totals until your monthly and annual totals are correct. The format of the dayfile.txt file is in the help file, in the section “Data log file format”, or here. If you need to, you can specify a year-to-date total to add in for the period up to the point where you started using Cumulus, so that your first year’s total is correct. This is on the Station Configuration screen.

The ‘gust’ line has disappeared from my graph

You probably have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average, and your logger period is 10 minutes or longer, so your gust comes out the same as the average when using data from the logger.

My ‘gust’ values are the same as my ‘average’ wind speed values.

As above, you probably have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average, and your logger period is 10 minutes or longer, so your gust comes out the same as the average when using data from the logger.

I’ve just installed Cumulus, and it didn’t download all the old data from my weather station

Cumulus deliberately doesn’t attempt to download any data from before the point when you first run it. If you wish, you can force it to download data from any point by editing the ‘Timestamp’ line in the today.ini file (in the data folder), before starting it. If you do this, you may need to edit your data file a little as you may have duplicate entries and/or entries out of order.

Cumulus doesn’t show the same pressure as my Fine Offset console

First of all, check that you are comparing the Cumulus display with the ‘relative’ pressure on your console. Cumulus displays pressure corrected to sea level, which the console calls ‘relative pressure’.

If your relative pressure still disagrees with the Cumulus display, it may be due to the following: The Fine Offset stations only supply absolute/station pressure to Cumulus, so it has to adjust to sea level. When Cumulus starts, it reads the pressure ‘offset’ (the difference between absolute/station and relative/sea level pressure) from the station so it can use it subsequently to calculate the sea level pressure. Sometimes the offset that is read is clearly garbage, so Cumulus uses zero as a best effort.

To circumvent this, you can edit cumulus.ini, and in the [Station] section add an entry:


where x.y is your pressure offset. Cumulus will then use this instead of reading it from the station.

My pressure suddenly dropped!

See: "Cumulus doesn’t show the same pressure as my Fine Offset console" above

I get an error when I try to view my all-time records. Also, they don’t appear on my web site

The date format on your system has probably changed. Look at the Startdate line in cumulus.ini and check whether this is in the correct format for your system. If not, stop Cumulus and correct the date format.

I get an error when I close Cumulus

Cumulus does sometimes report an error when you close it. This does not appear to cause any problems, you can just close the error message. I don't seem to be able to do anything about this, as the 'crash' is not in code that I have control over. You may be able to avoid this error by avoiding closing Cumulus while it is uploading to the internet.

I'm using the supplied web pages, and get lower case in places where I want upper case

It's in the CSS. Edit stylesheet.css and find lines like: "text-transform: lowercase;" and remove them.

My forecast says "Not available"

You can get Cumulus to create a simple forecast by selecting 'Cumulus Forecast' on the Stations Settings screen.

My computer hibernated/suspended, and I lost data/my graphs 'flat-lined'

Cumulus can't cope with being suspended, it just carries on as normal after being woken. There is an option in the station settings to 'close on suspend', so Cumulus will close itself as a safety measure, if you forget to do it manually. But I strongly recommend that you don't have your computer set to go into any form of standby while Cumulus is running - it's continuously gathering real-time data, after all, so it's a rather strange thing to do.

My heat index (or wind chill) is the same as my temperature

Wind chill only applies when the wind speed is above 4.8 kph and the temperature is below 10C. (The temperature cutoff is an option in Cumulus, but should really always be set). Heat index only applies when the temperature is above 27C and the humidity is above 40%.

The rest of the time they are the same as the ambient temperature.

My station invented some rain today that didn't really occur, and I want to set it to zero

Cumulus calculates rainfall from a counter supplied by the station which keeps increasing as the rain causes the rain gauge to tip. Cumulus remembers the value of that counter at the start of the meteorlogical day, so that at any time duing the day it can calculate today's rain by subtracting that figure from the current value of the counter. The start of day figure is stored in today.ini as the "Start=" figure, and the current value of the counter is stored in the monthly log files (e.g. jan10log.txt) as the 'total rainfall counter'. See the Log Files section of this Wiki for the formats of the files.

So, to set today's total to zero, stop Cumulus and look for the current value of the total rainfall counter on the last line of the current monthly log file, and set the Start= figure in the today.ini file to that value. You can set today's total to other value in a similar way; just set the Start= figure so that the difference between that and the current total rainfall counter is the total you want to achieve. You may also want to edit the "Total rainfall today so far" values for today in the monthly log file to correspond.