Charts - Rain charts


The Rain charts submodule consists of four charts:

  1. Daily Rain - Plotting the rainfall for every day in the dayfile;
  2. Monthly Rain - Plotting the monthly rainfall for every year in the dayfile
  3. Yearly Rain statistics - Plotting the average, range and standard deviation for for the rainfall in every year
  4. Yearly Rain statistics per month = plotting the average, range and standard deviation for for the rainfall in each month in every year

Below you will find an example image of each chart and an explanation of the origin of the numbers

Daily Rain

Daily Rain

The chart is a timeseries of rainfall. Every day it rained it is plotted in the chart as column. The cumulative value of the rain starts january 1 at zero and augments with every amount measured until 31 december after which it resets to zero. Also visible is a moving average with a configurable period (default is 180 days).

If the value of the inifile parameter UseNormalRainReference is Normal the user sees a red dotted horizontal line at the Y-axis value of the Normal total rainfall per year. When UseNormalRainReference is StationAverage the user sees a green dotted line ate the value of the calculated average total rainfall for the station. And obviously when the parameter value is both, the user sees both lines.

There are three Y-axis: one on the left, the main Y-axis, showing the actual rainfall amount. On the right we see the Y-axis with value of the moving average and the Y-axis with the value of the accumulated rainfall value.

The rangeselector gives the user the option to view a selected period with fixed buttons (left) or by specific dates (right).

Monthly Rain

Monthly Rain

The chart shows the monthly values of total rain that month for each year. The years have a different colour according to the colour scheme. The number of series directly visible is governed by the parameter MaxNrOfSeriesVisibleInGraphs.

If the value of the inifile parameter UseNormalRainReference is Normal the user sees a black line representing the normal average values of total rainfall. When UseNormalRainReference is StationAverage the user sees a grey line representing the station average values of total rainfall. And obviously when the parameter value is Both, the user sees both lines. In addition to the Station Average Value line, the estimator s for the standard deviation   belonging to that line, is always shown as a grey surface with the width of s for a specific month.