API Data Logs

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Day file Data

The all time records data response is designed for displaying on a web page, the text is formatted with HTML codes.

The format of the day file data API request is as follows...



  • draw=1 is not used in this context, just pass a number, eg 1
  • start=XXXX is the line number of the day file to start returning data for (0 relative)
  • length=YYYY is the number of lines to return




   "draw": 1,
   "recordsTotal": 3825,
   "recordsFiltered": 3825,
   "data": [
       [3511, "24/08/19", "15.0", "142", "15:04", "12.1", "06:03", "27.9", "16:25", "1015.58", "18:47", "1019.95", "00:31", "0.0", "00:00", "0.0", "20.3", "61.3", "7.0", "12:14", "44", "16:13", "98", "07:13", "2.77", "12.0", "28.1", "16:29", "28.3", "16:38", "12.2", "06:12", "0.0", "00:00", "12.1", "06:03", "17.1", "13:31", "11.3", "06:03", "158", "0.5", "3.4", "417", "12:50", "2.1", "14:13", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
       [3512, "25/08/19", "19.0", "138", "14:20", "15.4", "23:57", "30.6", "16:29", "1016.05", "16:38", "1018.83", "22:44", "0.0", "00:00", "0.0", "21.8", "75.5", "9.0", "14:30", "39", "13:14", "93", "23:50", "3.02", "11.9", "31.2", "16:06", "31.4", "16:25", "15.9", "06:22", "0.0", "00:00", "15.4", "23:57", "20.1", "17:47", "12.1", "04:28", "156", "0.0", "4.3", "392", "13:06", "2.1", "14:39", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
       [3513, "26/08/19", "10.0", "264", "16:28", "13.0", "04:58", "25.7", "15:24", "1015.61", "19:07", "1018.69", "00:20", "0.0", "00:00", "0.0", "18.2", "28.5", "4.0", "13:15", "65", "15:24", "98", "06:01", "1.60", "6.8", "25.7", "15:24", "28.4", "15:23", "13.7", "04:58", "0.0", "00:00", "13.0", "04:58", "19.6", "15:48", "12.4", "04:58", "274", "0.5", "1.8", "418", "12:39", "2.0", "12:50", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
       [3514, "27/08/19", "10.0", "276", "14:32", "13.4", "04:18", "26.3", "13:34", "1011.58", "20:00", "1016.42", "00:02", "0.0", "00:00", "0.2", "19.0", "27.7", "5.0", "14:39", "60", "13:37", "97", "05:39", "1.40", "5.2", "26.3", "13:34", "29.3", "13:25", "14.1", "06:12", "0.2", "22:58", "13.4", "04:18", "19.9", "14:33", "12.7", "03:41", "250", "0.5", "2.2", "538", "12:40", "2.2", "12:40", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
       [3515, "28/08/19", "14.0", "225", "09:46", "10.1", "23:40", "16.7", "00:00", "1010.19", "07:50", "1015.14", "23:53", "9.8", "11:24", "3.4", "14.7", "50.6", "6.0", "16:37", "87", "07:41", "97", "23:43", "0.41", "1.6", "16.7", "00:00", "18.5", "00:00", "9.4", "23:56", "2.6", "12:01", "10.1", "23:40", "15.8", "00:48", "9.4", "23:40", "220", "1.0", "0.0", "123", "12:38", "0.9", "12:39", "", "", "", "", "", ""]


  • "recordsTotal" and "recordsFiltered" are the total number of lines found in the dayfile.txt file
  • The first number in the array is the line number (1 relative)
  • The rest of the array entries are the fields from the dayfile.txt - refer to Dayfile.txt