Deutsch (German)

Name: Deutsch (German) Language
Type: Web templates
Author: David Jamieson
Contact: daj
Last update: 10 Oct 2010
Version: 1.2

Flag Germany.GIF Although Cumulus does not directly support languages other than English, the standard web templates have been translated where possible into German.

Many thanks to Juergen Hausmann for his work on the translation.


  • There will be seven files extracted. Copy the six files ending '.htm' and replace the files in your Cumulus 'web' folder.
  • If you are using Cumulus version 1.8.8 or higher you may also use the strings.ini file included in this zip and place it within your Cumulus application folder. This file includes translations for all the forecasts, moon phases, beaufort and pressure trends.
  • The next time Cumulus performs a web update your site will be in German.

Warning: If you upgrade your version of Cumulus these files will be replaced with the standard files so you will need to repeat the above process. If you make any customisation to these please take a backup before upgrading otherwise you will have lost your work.


A static example is currently available here

Version Control

  • 1.2 strings.ini now included with German phrases -- thanks to Andreas Hess for this.
  • 1.1 Fix to 'trends' page, use of 'average' and 'Daily rainfall' labels now translates
  • 1.0 First release

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