
CumulusUtils provides a possibility to display the NOAA reports generated by CumulusMX by choosing year and month from a menu. The current month in the current year is where the display starts. This module assumes only the CumulusMX default settings for the filenames are valid.


This module is included in the website. When needed as a single output the following command is given:

   utils/bin/cumulusutils.exe NOAA


The output is a file named noaa.txt

Inifile parameters


Inner working

Through the menu the year and month is selected and from those values the report filename is constructed and displayed. If StartInCurrentMonth is true the month report of the current month is displayed otherwise the year report of the current year is shown. The colours and the formatting of the reports is taken from a beteljuice formatting which wandered around somewhere. The colours can be changed.

The directory where the reports can be found must be the directory where CumulusMX stores the reports, check if initial capital required.

The first thing you need to check is whether the reports are actually copied to the website by CMX because that is the most important thing. In CMX you define a directory and CMX copies the reports there. If that is not the case you must work in CMX until that is the case.

Then, once the reports are on the website directory somewhere in or below the webroot, you should be able to view them in the CumulusUtils website. In the NOAA section of the CumulusUtils inifile you find a parameter FTPDirectory which is where CMX stores the reports. It actually must be the relative location to the webroot. So if your directory by CMX is /public_html/reports/ (FTP directory) in Cutils that becomes: ./reports/ because - sorry for this confusion which exists for historic reasons - in Cutils the reports are actually fetched in HTML context which means it starts from the webroot.