
Every release of Cumulus (1,2, and MX) contains a file in the root directory that contains a number of texts that the Cumulus software can output.

The file is arranged by groups, each identified by a name in square brackets []. Within each group there are a number of parameters, the attribute in each parameter is what Cumulus will output by default, the value in each parameter is what Cumulus will output for you. In this sample file, each value matches the attribute name in the original Cumulus software, because Cumulus cannot predict an alternative that might suit you. For MX only, it is possible to modify the text surrounding certain output figures {0} and {1}. In these exceptional parameters, the attribute and default value do not match, but the default phrases are used round the output figures (note by default no spaces between figure and units).

If a parameter is not included in strings.ini, the default text will continue to be used.

If you want to change one of these texts, copy the required attribute into Strings.ini, and amend the value side of the parameter to contain the text you want to display. For each parameter in strings.ini, Cumulus when Cumulus would by default output the attribute (except for the MX exceptional parameters), it will output your selected text (in the value part of parameter) instead.

For example: samplestring.ini

EXTRACT OF FULL FILE (see full contents later)



N=True North
Hurricane=Hurricane group

The exact content of samplestring.ini will vary depending on which release version of Cumulus is being run. So check your installation to see which of the following parameters are actually available for you. Most new entries are appended, so if you are not running the latest release, your file will probably end before the contents shown below.

notavailable=Not available
exceptional=Exceptional Weather
forecast1=Settled fine
forecast2=Fine weather
forecast3=Becoming fine
forecast4=Fine, becoming less settled
forecast5=Fine, possible showers
forecast6=Fairly fine, improving
forecast7=Fairly fine, possible showers early
forecast8=Fairly fine, showery later
forecast9=Showery early, improving
forecast10=Changeable, mending
forecast11=Fairly fine, showers likely
forecast12=Rather unsettled clearing later
forecast13=Unsettled, probably improving
forecast14=Showery, bright intervals
forecast15=Showery, becoming less settled
forecast16=Changeable, some precipitation
forecast17=Unsettled, short fine intervals
forecast18=Unsettled, precipitation later
forecast19=Unsettled, some precipitation
forecast20=Mostly very unsettled
forecast21=Occasional precipitation, worsening
forecast22=Precipitation at times, very unsettled
forecast23=Precipitation at frequent intervals
forecast24=Precipitation, very unsettled
forecast25=Stormy, may improve
forecast26=Stormy, much precipitation

Newmoon=New moon
WaxingCrescent=Waxing Crescent
FirstQuarter=First Quarter
WaxingGibbous=Waxing Gibbous
Fullmoon=Full moon
WaningGibbous=Waning Gibbous
LastQuarter=Last Quarter
WaningCrescent=Waning Crescent

Lightair=Light air
Lightbreeze=Light breeze
Gentlebreeze=Gentle breeze
Moderatebreeze=Moderate breeze
Freshbreeze=Fresh breeze
Strongbreeze=Strong breeze
Neargale=Near gale
Stronggale=Strong gale
Violentstorm=Violent storm

Risingveryrapidly=Rising very rapidly
Risingquickly=Rising quickly
Risingslowly=Rising slowly
Fallingslowly=Falling slowly
Fallingquickly=Falling quickly
Fallingveryrapidly=Falling very rapidly


ExtraChannel2=Extra Channel 2
ExtraChannel3=Extra Channel 3
ExtraChannel4=Extra Channel 4
ExtraChannel5=Extra Channel 5
ExtraChannel6=Extra Channel 6
ExtraChannel7=Extra Channel 7
ExtraChannel8=Extra Channel 8
ExtraChannel9=Extra Channel 9
ExtraChannel10=Extra Channel 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10
Sensor11=Sensor 11
Sensor12=Sensor 12
Sensor13=Sensor 13
Sensor14=Sensor 14
Sensor15=Sensor 15
Sensor16=Sensor 16

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8
Sensor9=Sensor 9
Sensor10=Sensor 10
Sensor11=Sensor 11
Sensor12=Sensor 12
Sensor13=Sensor 13
Sensor14=Sensor 14
Sensor15=Sensor 15
Sensor16=Sensor 16

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
SensorAvg1=Sensor Avg 1
SensorAvg2=Sensor Avg 2
SensorAvg3=Sensor Avg 3
SensorAvg4=Sensor Avg 4

Sensor1=Sensor 1
Sensor2=Sensor 2
Sensor3=Sensor 3
Sensor4=Sensor 4
Sensor5=Sensor 5
Sensor6=Sensor 6
Sensor7=Sensor 7
Sensor8=Sensor 8

LessDaylightTomorrow=There will be {0}min {1}s less daylight tomorrow
MoreDaylightTomorrow=There will be {0}min {1}s more daylight tomorrow

forecast2=Mostly cloudy with little temperature change.
forecast3=Mostly cloudy and cooler.
forecast4=Clearing, cooler and windy.
forecast5=Clearing and cooler.
forecast6=Increasing clouds and cooler.
forecast7=Increasing clouds with little temperature change.
forecast8=Increasing clouds and warmer.
forecast9=Mostly clear for 12 to 24 hours with little temperature change.
forecast10=Mostly clear for 6 to 12 hours with little temperature change.
forecast11=Mostly clear and warmer.
forecast12=Mostly clear for 12 to 24 hours and cooler.
forecast13=Mostly clear for 12 hours with little temperature change.
forecast14=Mostly clear with little temperature change.
forecast15=Mostly clear and cooler.
forecast16=Partially cloudy, Rain and/or snow possible or continuing.
forecast17=Partially cloudy, Snow possible or continuing.
forecast18=Partially cloudy, Rain possible or continuing.
forecast19=Mostly cloudy, Rain and/or snow possible or continuing.
forecast20=Mostly cloudy, Snow possible or continuing.
forecast21=Mostly cloudy, Rain possible or continuing.
forecast22=Mostly cloudy.
forecast23=Partially cloudy.
forecast24=Mostly clear.
forecast25=Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
forecast26=Partly cloudy and cooler.
forecast27=Unknown forecast rule.

forecast2=Precipitation possible within 48 hours.
forecast3=Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.
forecast4=Precipitation possible within 24 hours.
forecast5=Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours.
forecast6=Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times.
forecast7=Precipitation possible within 12 hours.
forecast8=Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours.
forecast9=Precipitation possible within 6 to 12 hours, possibly heavy at times.
forecast10=Precipitation possible and windy within 6 hours.
forecast11=Precipitation possible within 6 hours.
forecast12=Precipitation ending in 12 to 24 hours.
forecast13=Precipitation possibly heavy at times and ending within 12 hours.
forecast14=Precipitation ending within 12 hours.
forecast15=Precipitation ending within 6 hours.
forecast16=Precipitation likely, possibly heavy at times.
forecast17=Precipitation likely.
forecast18=Precipitation continuing, possibly heavy at times.
forecast19=Precipitation continuing.

forecast2=Windy with possible wind shift to the W, SW, or S.
forecast3=Possible wind shift to the W, SW, or S.
forecast4=Windy with possible wind shift to the W, NW, or N.
forecast5=Possible wind shift to the W, NW, or N.
forecast7=Increasing winds.

CO2-Current=CO&#8322 Current
CO2-24hr=CO&#8322 24h avg
CO2-Pm2p5=PM 2.5
CO2-Pm2p5-24hr=PM 2.5 24h avg
CO2-Pm10=PM 10
CO2-Pm10-24hr=PM 10 24h avg