Full list of Webtags: Difference between revisions

→‎Today.ini: added <#tempMidnightTH>, <#TtempMidnightTH>, <#tempMidnightTL>, <#TtempMidnightTL> from 3.18.0 - b3190 and <#tempMidnightRangeT> from 3.19.1 - b3194
m (→‎Yesterday: added <#tempMidnightYH>, <#TtempMidnightYH>, <#tempMidnightYL>, <#TtempMidnightYL> from 3.18.0 - b3190 update, <#tempMidnightRangeY> from 3.19.1 - b3194 update)
m (→‎Today.ini: added <#tempMidnightTH>, <#TtempMidnightTH>, <#tempMidnightTL>, <#TtempMidnightTL> from 3.18.0 - b3190 and <#tempMidnightRangeT> from 3.19.1 - b3194)
|The temperature range (<#tempTH> - <#tempTL>) so far today (Cumulus calculates all these tags using Celsius values, but outputs them in your chosen units)
|Today's highest temperature since midnight
|Today's lowest temperature since midnight
|The temperature range (max - min) so far today from midnight (Cumulus calculates all these tags using Celsius values, but outputs them in your chosen units)