Commands to CumulusUtils - the module names - are case independent but the author prefers [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case Upper Camel Case] (or Pascal Case).
Copying to the webroot can also be done automatically through the FTP account of the user, much like ''CumulusMX'' itself copies e.g. the realtime.txt or the datafiles to the webroot. The FTP account and domain used are the same as present in the [[Cumulus.ini]] configuration. The PHP upload as exists in CMX can also be used with CUtils and it works exactly the same.
=== Considerations with CMX configuration ===
The things it is looking for are realtime.txt and realtimegauges.txt. Those are sent by CMX to the directory you configure in ''Settings=>Web/FTP Site''.
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings'': Tick both options to enable realtime
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Standard File settings'': Disable both options (for CumulusUtils, if you have websites which use those, leave it enabled)
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Graph File Settings'': Enable all (both ''Generate'' and ''Transfer'') except ''availabledata.json'' and ''airquality.json''