CumulusUtils: Difference between revisions

Please note that CumulusUtils requires live data from CumulusMX to display what you expect. To accomplish that you need to configure CMX as follows:
The things it is looking for are realtime.txt and realtimegauges.txt. Those are sent by CMX to the directory you configure in ''Settings=>Web/FTPUpload Site''.
In ''Settings=>Web/FTPInternet Settings=>Interval Configuration=>Normal Interval Settings'': Tick both options and set the interval time to enable realtimeinterval Upload
In ''Settings=>Web/FTPInternet Settings=>Interval SettingsConfiguration=>Standard File settings'': Disable both options (for CumulusUtils, if you have websites which use those, leave it enabled)
In ''Settings=>Web/FTPInternet Settings=>Interval SettingsConfiguration=>Graph File Settings'': Enable all (bothonly ''GenerateUpload'', anduse ''TransferCreate Local'' only when needed) except ''availabledata.json''the and ''airquality.json''following:
''availabledata.json'', ''dailyrain.json'', ''dailytemp.json'', ''sunhours.json'', ''airquality.json'', ''extra*.json'', ''soil*.json'', ''user*.json'',''co2*.json'' and ''leaf*.json''
In ''Settings=>Web/FTPInternet Settings=>RealtimeInterval Configuration=>Daily Graph File Settings'': TickEnable all except ''alldailydegreedaydata.json'' and ''alltempsumdata.json''
In ''Settings=>Web/FTPInternet Settings=>GeneralInterval Configuration=>Real time Interval Settings'': Tick onlyboth ''UTF-8and encoding''set interval time to enable realtime Upload
In ''Settings=>Internet Settings=>Interval Configuration=>Real time Interval Settings'': Tick both ''realtime.txt'' and ''realtimegauges.txt'' for Upload, use ''Create Local'' only when needed.
In ''Settings=>Web/Upload Site=>General Settings'': Tick ''UTF-8 encoding''
And if you use the ''[[ChartsCompiler]]'' (or plan to use, you may be more selective later when understanding what and how):
In ''Settings=>Web/FTP Settings=>Interval Settings=>Daily Graph File Settings'': Enable all options except alldailydegdaydata.json and alltempsum.json
otherwise, disable.
After selecting the required tables you need to select the variables they may contain: