CumulusUtils Runtime Library: Difference between revisions

(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
''$(function () {<arguments>} )''
At load time this function is called automatically - so it is h ere just for information, no user call is required - and initialises the library by calling the following functions:
#''loadRealtimeTxt'' => initializes the loading of ''realtime.txt'' and distributes the values over the dashboard
#''RT_timer = setInterval(loadRealtimeTxt, 30 * 1000);'' => Initialize the interval timer for reading realtime.txt (see below)
#''CreateSun'' and ''CreateMoon'' => Creates the sun and moon disc
#''MinuteFunctions'' => initializes the minute function which takes care of the chart refreshes and the moving of the sun disc hand.
#''HourFunctions'' => initialisezinitializes the hour functions which takes care of the moondisc updates
#''LoadUtilsReport'' => It calls the initial report to load