<br> <tt>18/10/08 16:03:45 8.4 84 5.8 24.2 33.0 261 0.0 1.0 999.7 W 6 mph C mb mm 146.6 +0.1 85.2 588.4 11.6 20.3 57 3.6 -0.7 10.9 12:00 7.8 14:41 37.4 14:38 44.0 14:28 999.8 16:01 998.4 12:06 1.8.2 448 36.0 10.3 10.5 13 0.2 14 260 2.3 3 1 1 NNW 2040 ft 12.3 11.1 420.1 1</tt>
= Recreating the file using webtags =
Occasionally there is a requirement from some users to create a copy of the realtime.txt file and have it posted to a location at the normal Cumulus web update interval rather than the realtime interval.
This can be achieved by creating a template file using the webtags below, and referencing this in the Cumulus Configuration|Internet|Files dialog. Ticking the 'Process?' checkbox, and supplying a remote filename will create this copy of the realtime.txt file.
Note that there are currently two or three small differences between the built-in realtime.txt and this version. With this version:
*The Beaufort wind speed will have a 'F' prefix (eg F2) which is omitted in the built-in version.
*The temperature unit is prefixed with the string '&deg;' which is omitted in the built-in version.
*Note also that the built-in realtime.txt always uses a 'dot' decimal character (as so is JavaScript/PHP 'safe'), the web tag version will use your host computers localisation for decimals. [There are some #RCxxx webtags available but they do not cover all the required values]
To ensure decimal compatibility across systems use a js construct such as:
var rt = realtime.split(" ");
var temp = +r[2].replace(',','.');
when referring to decimal values in the constructed file.
''(this is one complete line, although it may appear on this page as two or more due to screen width restrictions)''