New Default Web Site Information: Difference between revisions

At the moment the main body uses 'w3-theme-light' giving a pale blue background and dark blue text. Replacing 'w3-theme-light' with 'w3-theme-dark' throughout the page switches these. You will need to do this on all pages.
If you want to change the colourstheme completely, youthere canwill usebe thea [ of theme generator]files atavailable w3schools.comavailable shortly. There youThese can selectbe anyuploaded baseto colouryour andweb ithost willand generateput anin almostthe completecss setfolder. of stylesChoose forthe one you. Copy thiswant to theuse BOTTOMand ofrename theit 'colours.css' file(after andyou makehave surerenamed thatthe allexisting thecss stylefile. names IIt havewill usedthen arebe availableused inas yourthe newstyle colourfor themeyour site.
If you want to use your own colours, you can use the [ theme generator] at There you can select any base colour and it will generate an almost complete set of styles for you. Copy this to the BOTTOM of the existing colours.css file and make sure that all the style names I have used are available in your new colour theme.
There are notes in the stylesheet to help.
