==== Current Development (Version 5.5.0 (
#Distribution: file ''CUabout.txt'' has a name change: CUserAbout-example.txt. CUserAbout.txt - if it exists - will be automatically uploaded with the package
#Distribution: file CUsermenu.txt will be automatically uploaded if it exists
#Distribution: file ''CUlicense.txt'' has been removed and replaced by the file LICENSE (with identical content to the website menu choice)
#Compiler: Errorhandling of Expression
#Compiler: STATS and PLOT are now handled as equal entry points of the PLOT section of the CHART (see prev version of CDL image to appreciate the difference)
#Compiler: a PLOT variable may now have a
#Compiler: And if a PLOT has an Eval equation it '''MUST''' now have a non-keyword name to prevent confusion and make a unique legend entry (useful for modification or translation)
#Compiler: Added the function LN (being the natural logarithm of its argument)
#Compiler: Added the function EXP (being the power function with base ''e'')
#Compiler: All Plotvariables can be used in one single equation to be combined with operators and functions '''NOTE: this
#Compiler: The SUM function can only be used once per chart
#Wiki: Updates conform development (please notify voids or unclarities)
#Because meteo-equations can reach a certain complexity (definitely when written on a single line) a change is considered which should make it possible to use Plotvariables as intermediate calculations or have a definition of partial equations (not plotted) which you might use in Plot. As an example (see the last chart below) One might consider calculating a dewpoint with the Actual Vapour pressure as an intermediate equation.
#A second change which is considered is making the EVAL and STATS available for the RECENT parameters as well
However, the side effects of the above may be larger than expected, so it requires some study. In the mean time : have fun!
All calculations and array handling in
Below you find three test charts as examples to show what is now possible (the full testset is as always in ''CutilsCharts-example.def'' in the distribution and viewable on my site):