==== Version 6.7.0 (
#Infrastructure: Update to .NET Framework 4.8, Update of MySqlConnector (1.3.14), ServiceStack.Text (5.12.0) and SSH.NET (2020.0.1)
#Website: Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.6.0
#gauges.js: Added a console message '''Gauges Init Done...'' to have an anchor for debugging
#Dashboard: Added an empty header to an empty pane (configration of dashboars)
#Maps: Corrected some logic which made it possible for website users to evade the map. Now it is again obligatory
#ExtraSensors: For the command line parameter ''ExtraSensors'', now the ''CompileOnly'' parameter is implicit. This means that now the command ''utils/bin/cumulusutils.exe ExtraSensors'' is enough to create the resulting ''extrasensorscharts.txt''
#ExtraSensors: The Extra Sensor identification string in strings.ini is now silently transferred directly to the [Compiler] section in the
==== Version 6.6.5 (14/10/2021) ====