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|colspan="3" style="background:lightgray;"|Temperature & Humidity
|colspan="3" style="background:lightgray;"|Temperature & Humidity
|colspan="3"|no new tags
|Yesterday's average temperature
|colspan="3" style="background:lightgray;"|Rainfall
|colspan="3" style="background:lightgray;"|Rainfall

Revision as of 07:56, 18 July 2012

Additional webtags available in the BETA version of Cumulus 1.9.3

These are special markers placed in a file which Cumulus can then process and replace with the actual values. Typically you would use this to build your own website by having an HTML template file with your layout, static text and graphics. In the position on the page you wish Cumulus to insert the relevant data place a webtag in the form:


Assuming you have asked Cumulus to process the file, it will replace the tag with the current value of the item the tag represents just before the file is uploaded to the internet.

Note: When you put a tag into your HTML, be careful that whatever program you are using to develop your web pages doesn't change the angle brackets to slightly different symbols -- this is a common cause of failure!

Also note that web tags are case sensitive, use them exactly as they appear here.

The Tags

Below is a list of the additional webtags available in this beta version. These webtags will be transferred to the main page when the beta version becomes 'live'


webtag Function
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Date & Time

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Current Conditions

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Temperature & Humidity
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webtag Function Time
Temperature & Humidity
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<#solarTH> Today's high solar radiation value <#TsolarTH>
<#UVTH> Today's high UV Index <#TUVTH>


webtag Function Time
Temperature & Humidity
<#avgtempY> Yesterday's average temperature n/a
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<#solarYH> Yesterday's high solar radiation value <#TsolarYH>
<#UVYH> Yesterday's high UV Index <#TUVYH>


webtag Function Time Date
Temperature & Humidity
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webtag Function Time Date
Temperature & Humidity
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All Time

webtag Function Time
Temperature & Humidity
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Recent History

There are a set of tags for 'recent historical data', giving data values from 1 minute ago, up to 1 week ago, in 1 minute intervals. Note that the values are initialised from the log files when Cumulus starts, so they will initially have a resolution according to the logger interval you have set in Cumulus and/or your station. You'll get the nearest value if you ask for one for which there is currently no exact match.

You specify how old you want the value to be by using parameters on the web tags for number of days, hours, and minutes. For example, <#RecentOutsideTemp m=1> will give the temperature one minute ago, <#RecentOutsideTemp h=1> will give the temperature one hour ago (as will <#RecentOutsideTemp m=60>), and <#RecentOutsideTemp d=1> will give the temperature one day ago. <#RecentOutsideTemp d=1 h=1 m=1> will give the temperature one day, one hour and one minute ago. All values supplied for parameters must be whole numbers. If you don't supply any parameters, the result is undefined.

webtag Function
<#RecentOutsideTemp> Outside Temperature
<#RecentWindSpeed> Wind Speed
<#RecentWindGust> Wind Gust
<#RecentWindLatest> Wind Latest. Note: Wind 'Speed', 'Gust' and 'Latest' have the usual Cumulus meanings
<#RecentWindDir> Wind Direction (instantaneous)
<#RecentWindAvgDir> Wind Direction (average)
<#RecentWindChill> Wind Chill
<#RecentDewPoint> Dew Point
<#RecentHeatIndex> Heat Index
<#RecentHumidity> Relative Humidity
<#RecentPressure> Sea-level Pressure
<#RecentRainToday> Today's rain
<#RecentSolarRad> Solar Radiation
<#RecentUV> UV Index

Monthly All Time Records

There are a set of tags for monthly all-time highs and lows, in other words the highest and lowest values for a particular month of the year. For example, the highest ever temperature in July. Each Value tag has an optional parameter "mon=N" where N is the index of the month of the year that you want the value for (January=1 and so on). For example, <#ByMonthTempH mon=7> will give you the highest ever temperature in July.

If you don't supply a parameter (or supply an invalid value) the current month will be used. You can customise the date and time formats using the 'format' parameter on the web tag, see below. To supply more than one parameter, separate them with spaces, e.g. <#ByMonthTempHT mon=7 format=hh:nn>

webtag Function Date/Time
Temperature & Humidity
<#ByMonthTempH> High Temperature <#ByMonthTempHT>
<#ByMonthTempL> Low Temperature <#ByMonthTempLT>
<#ByMonthHeatIndexH> High Heat Index <#ByMonthHeatIndexHT>
<#ByMonthWChillL> Low Wind Chill <#ByMonthWChillLT>
<#ByMonthAppTempH> High Apparent Temperature <#ByMonthAppTempHT>
<#ByMonthAppTempL> Low Apparent Temperature <#ByMonthAppTempLT>
<#ByMonthDewPointH> High Dew Point <#ByMonthDewPointHT>
<#ByMonthDewPointL> Low Dew Point <#ByMonthDewPointLT>
<#ByMonthMinTempH> Highest Daily Minimum Temperature <#ByMonthMinTempHT>
<#ByMonthMaxTempL> Lowest Daily Maximum Temperature <#ByMonthMaxTempLT>
<#ByMonthHighDailyTempRange> High Daily Temp Range <#ByMonthHighDailyTempRangeT>
<#ByMonthLowDailyTempRange> Low Daily Temp Range <#ByMonthLowDailyTempRangeT>
<#ByMonthHumH> High Humidity <#ByMonthHumHT>
<#ByMonthHumL> Low Humidity <#ByMonthHumLT>
<#ByMonthPressH> High Pressure <#ByMonthPressHT>
<#ByMonthPressL> Low Pressure <#ByMonthPressLT>
<#ByMonthGustH> High Wind Gust <#ByMonthGustHT>
<#ByMonthWindH> High Wind Speed <#ByMonthWindHT>
<#ByMonthWindRunH> High Daily Wind Run <#ByMonthWindRunHT>
<#ByMonthRainRateH> High Rain Rate <#ByMonthRainRateHT>
<#ByMonthHourlyRainH> High Hourly Rain <#ByMonthHourlyRainHT>
<#ByMonthDailyRainH> High Daily Rain <#ByMonthDailyRainHT>
<#ByMonthLongestDryPeriod> Longest Dry Period <#ByMonthLongestDryPeriodT>
<#ByMonthLongestWetPeriod> Longest Wet Period <#ByMonthLongestWetPeriodT>
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<#LastDataReadT> The date/time data was last read from the station


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There are a set of tags for the Cumulus alarm states. They give a value of '1' if the alarm has been set and the alarm condition is currently met; otherwise '0'.

webtag Function
<#DataStopped> 1 if the station has apparently stopped sending data to Cumulus, otherwise 0


There are a set of tags for the Cumulus record states. They give a value of '1' if the record has been exceeded; otherwise '0'.

webtag Function
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Extra Sensors

These webtags are for additional sensors supported by Cumulus

webtag Function
<#ExtraTemp1> Extra temperature channel 1
<#ExtraTemp2> Extra temperature channel 2
<#ExtraTemp3> Extra temperature channel 3
... and so on up to <#ExtraTemp10>
<#ExtraDP1> Extra dew point channel 1
<#ExtraDP2> Extra dew point channel 2
<#ExtraDP3> Extra dew point channel 3
... and so on up to <#ExtraDP10>
<#ExtraHum1> Extra humidity channel 1
<#ExtraHum2> Extra humidity channel 2
<#ExtraHum3> Extra humidity channel 3
... and so on up to <#ExtraHum10>
<#SoilTemp1> Soil temperature 1
<#SoilTemp2> Soil temperature 2
... and so on up to <#SoilTemp4>
<#SoilMoisture1> Soil moisture 1
<#SoilMoisture2> Soil moisture 2
... and so on up to <#SoilMoisture4>
<#LeafTemp1> Leaf temperature 1
<#LeafTemp2> Leaf temperature 2
<#LeafWetness1> Leaf wetness 1
<#LeafWetness2> Leaf wetness 2



There are a set of tags for the WMR928 extra sensors:

webtag Function
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There are a set of tags for the Davis PWS:

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Fine Offset

The following tags are specific to the Fine Offset series of PWS

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Special tags returning information about the system hosting Cumulus:

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No Commas

There are a set of tags where the decimal comma has been replaced with a full stop, where necessary, for use with gauges etc which don't like the commas. They all correspond to the same tag with 'RC' removed.