This is a MX utility, by Mark Crossley, to populate most missing [[Calculate_Missing_Values#Derived_value|derived fields]] (assuming you already have all necessary [[Calculate_Missing_Values#Source_value|source values]]) in your [[Standard log files|month by month (MMMyylog.txt)]] files, and it creates a new [[dayfile.txt|daily summary (dayfile.txt)]]. If you already have a "dayfile.txt", that is renamed, the new file should include individual fields, and lines, missing from your old file.
~ The CreateMissing.exe ''v1.2.
The download zip does not include the "*.dll" files needed to run the utility, these are provided in a MX release zip from release stated alongside download link onwards. If you are using an earlier MX release than that stated, upgrade MX to bring in the new "*.dll" files needed, before using latest release of this utility. (Although earlier releases of "Create Missing" exist on "github.com/cumulusmx/CreateMissing/releases", they have software bugs meaning they should not be used).