<big>Release History</big>
OctoberApril 510, 20112012 (build 10171033)<br />
OctoberApril 1930, 20112012 (build 10191034)<br />
NovemberMay 129, 20112012 (build 10201035)<br />
NovemberJune 281, 20112012 (build 10211036)<br />
DecemberJune 16, 20112012 (build 10221037)<br />
DecemberJune 118, 20112012 (build 10231038)<br />
DecemberJune 1613, 20112012 (build 10241039)<br />
DecemberJune 2520, 20112012 (build 10251040)<br />
DecemberJuly 272, 20112012 (build 10261041)<br />
JanuaryJuly 617, 2012 (build 10271042)<br />
JanuaryJuly 2029, 2012 (build 10281043)<br />
JanuaryAugust 2515, 2012 (build 10291044)<br />
FebruarySeptember 102, 2012 (build 10301045)<br />
MarchSeptember 123, 2012 (build 10311046)<br />
MarchSeptember 204, 2012 (build 10321047)<br />
Xxxxxx xx, 2012 (build xxxx) '''(Current Release)'''
Changes from version 1.9.2:
*Fixes compass flicker
*Attempts to fix Twitter hang
**<#DataStopped> - 1 if the station has apparently stopped sending data to Cumulus, otherwise 0
**'Recent History' web tags, giving selected data values from 1 minute ago, up to 1 week ago, in 1 minute intervals.
**<#LastDataReadT> web tag (time last data was read)
**<#RCwlatest> same as <#wlatest> with decimal comma replaced by full stop if necessary
**<#avgtempY> - yesterday's average temperature
**<#IsFreezing> gives 1 if outside temperature is at or below 0C/32F, otherwise 0
**New RC web tags (if decimal commas are in use they are replaced by decimal points):
::<#RCdewpointTH> <#RCdewpointTL> <#RCwchillTL> <#RCheatindexTH> <#RCapptempTH> <#RCapptempTL>
:*New web tags giving Beaufort 'description' for today's and yesterday's high wind speed
::<#Tbeaudesc> <#Ybeaudesc>
*Display and logging of 'extra' sensors, e.g. Davis extra temperature, leaf wetness etc, WMR200 extra sensors, etc.
*Built-in viewers for 'standard' and 'extra' data logs (on the View menu)
*Month-by-month all time records, and web tags. These are things like 'highest ever January temperature' etc.
*Added a new 'standard' web page for the month-by-month records, called monthlyrecord.htm
*Display and logging of 'extra' sensors, e.g. Davis extra temperature, leaf wetness etc, WMR200 extra sensors, etc.
*Built-in viewers for 'standard' and 'extra' data logs (on the View menu)
*<#LastDataReadT> web tag (time last data was read)
*Fix spurious rolllover with WMR200 when restarted just after midnight
*Cater for WMR100/200/etc rain rate overflow value
*Put some retries in when Davis station initialisation fails
*New charts for Solar, UV, and daily sunshine hours
*Option to hide theoretical max on solar chart
*Added option to not calculate Altimeter Pressure (Davis stations)
*Add highs for solar and UV for today and yesterday
*Correct minimum value on UV graph Y-axis (fix at zero)
*UV now displayed and logged as whole numbers by default.
*Option (for 'incomplete' stations) to disable the sensor check
*Adds support for the Hydreon RG-11 Rain Sensor
*Now takes a 'backup' of active files (for 'rewind' purposes) after each daily rollover as well as at start up.
*Fix comma on first value of <#wspddata>
*New web tags
*Fix comma on first value of <#WindRoseData>
**<#RCwlatest> same as <#wlatest> with decimal comma replaced by full stop if necessary
**<#avgtempY> - yesterday's average temperature
*Fix crash at start up on Turkish systems
*Fix bug where monthly records appear in wrong month when downloading logger data across a month boundary
*Allow configurable max FTP connect retries via cumulus.ini
*Fix <#RecentRainToday> values
*Fixed cancelling of temp trend alarm
*Fix comma on first value of <#WindRoseData>
*New web tag
**<#IsFreezing> gives 1 if outside temperature is at or below 0C/32F, otherwise 0
*Added a 'channel' parameter to the <#txbattery> web tag
*New web tags
**New RC web tags (if decimal commas are in use they are replaced by decimal points):
::<#RCdewpointTH> <#RCdewpointTL> <#RCwchillTL> <#RCheatindexTH> <#RCapptempTH> <#RCapptempTL>
:*New web tags giving Beaufort 'description' for today's and yesterday's high wind speed
::<#Tbeaudesc> <#Ybeaudesc>
*Add decimal place to WM-918 pressure value
*Make plotted wind values obey 'Round wind speeds' setting
*Fix beta bugs
*Fix incorrect date on high windrun records for Davis stations, when rollover is done from logger data
*Fixes a problem with the creation of the 'wxnow.txt' file
*Corrects a few tooltips
*Prevents a crash in the dayfile.txt editor if dayfile.txt doesn't exist
*Fixes a bug in the dayfile.txt editor which caused the 'create missing' facility to miss certain days
*Fixes a problem with monthly rain calculation at start up for people who use an 0900 start of day
*Shows number of logger entries downloaded for WMR200 stations
*Support for pond sensor for WMR88/100
*Background colour of data value digits on main screen can now be configured
*New web tag <#IsSunUp> gives 1 between sunrise and sunset, otherwise 0
*Fixes <#IsSunUp> web tag
*Error log window now has 'clear' button
*Attempt to fix problem of La Crosse rain counter calculation going negative
*Correct wind chill decode on WMR88/100/200
*Encode colon as &3A in PWS Weather upload timestamps, to see if unencoded was causing a problem with 'catch up'
*Reduces default height of NOAA report displays so that the controls are available on smaller screens
*Correct 'days of rain' counts on NOAA annual reports
*Correct max rain amount and date on NOAA annual reports
*Increase precision of pressure sent to WOW/WU/PWS
*Fix <#IsSunUp> time zone problem
*Fix Davis 'wake up' issue so AltimeterPressure reported to CWOP doesn't get stuck at the same value
*NOAA reports now label the 'days of rain' with '<=' to match what the code actually does
*New web tags:
**<#DavisFirmwareVersion> - The console firmware version (Davis stations only)
**<#TempChangeLastHour> - The change in temperature over the last hour. The value can also be seen on the main screen as a 'mouseover' on the temperature trend value
**New web tags giving the recent wind bearing extremes: <#BearingRangeFrom>, <#BearingRangeTo>, <#BearingRangeFrom10>, <#BearingRangeTo10>
*Stops the dayfile.txt editor crashing if an empty dayfile.txt exists
*Fixes a problem with rain rate calculation on La Crosse stations when logger data is used
*Fix WS23xx apparent temperature values at start up
*Fix WMR100 (etc) 'last data read' in status bar, and also allow 'data stopped' detection
*Option in cumulus.ini to stop new Longest Wet/Dry Period records being 'flashed'. Add a line to the [Station] section:
*Send average wind bearing to CWOP/APRS instead of instantaneous, as they require
*Option to flash error light when 'spike removal' operates - see calibration screen for setting
*Fix 'wind bearing range' web tags when wind is/has been calm
*Fix negative (°F) temperatures in wxnow.txt
*Fix high gust bearing in 'create missing' facility in dayfile.txt editor
*Use configured filename format for manual saves of NOAA annual reports
*New HTML-encoded versions of some web tags:
**<#currcondenc> - the same as <#currcond> but also has characters above code 159 encoded as HTML entities
**<#forecastenc> - the same as <#forecast> but with all reserved HTML characters, and those above character code 159, encoded as HTML entities
**<#cumulusforecastenc> - the same as <#cumulusforecast> but with all reserved HTML characters, and those above character code 159, encoded as HTML entities
**<#wsforecastenc> - the same as <#wsforecast> but with all reserved HTML characters, and those above character code 159, encoded as HTML entities
*Fix '0.0' entries in dayfile editor when decimal comma is in use
*Put time of last rain tip as a mouseover on today's rain total on main screen
*Allow Cumulus pressure trend names to be used with Davis stations if the station won't supply its own strings (it seems the original Vantage Pro won't)
*Allow plots on Select-A-Graph to be assigned to the left or right axis. This allows two items to be compared when they have large differences in their scales, e.g. UV and solar.
*Fix bug with download of logger data from Fine Offset with solar sensor when station is logging to first address
*One or both grids can be turned off on Select-A-Graph
*Fix wind chill read from WMR88/100/200 when less than 0 Fahrenheit
*Added a bit more diags logging at start up
*Prevents a crash in the USB code at start up on some systems
*Added a command-line parameter - "noUSB" to prevent the USB code being initialised.
*Web service (e.g. WU) 'catch up' is now optional
*New 'catch up' indicator to show when 'catch up' is taking place
*Display update during logger download can be turned off
*Fix incorrect 'rain since midnight' value if Cumulus restarted on first of month
*Change sunshine hours total to be midnight to midnight on all systems
*Correct CWOP upload to send 'rain since midnight' rather than 'rain since rollover' (for 0900 rollover users)
*Added support for Weatherbug Backyard
*Added support for UK Met Office Weather Observations Website
*Added support for Oregon Scientific WMR88/100/200 stations
*Increase allowed range of WH3080 UV readings
*Add rain rate and 'rain last hour' spike filters
*Graph titles configurable via strings.ini - see samplestrings.ini file
*Added 'web update' to task bar icon menu
*Added ability to edit today's rain total - see edit menu
*Option to restart if data stops
*Added calibration offset for UV readings
*Added "Chill Hours" (for fruit growing)
*Option to ignore La Crosse clock on archive downloads
*This Month/Year/all-time record daily wind run + web tags
*Round start time on Select-A-Graph down to nearest minute
*Add new 'this month' and 'this year' web pages
*New web tags:
**<#forecastnumber> is always set even if Cumulus forecast not in use
**<#cumulusforecast> - always gives Cumulus (Zambretti) forecast
**<#wsforecast> - always gives station forecast (if available)
**<#HighWindrunRecordSet> (=1 if 'all time high wind run' LED is lit, otherwise 0)
*Don't plot wind chill until first value calculated
*Don't reset rain counter if Davis logger doesn't go back far enough to fill the gap since previous run
*Change La Crosse station forecast to 'Clear' instead of 'Sunny', at night
*Today's dominant (i.e. average) wind direction (in degrees) added to dayfile.txt
*New 'dominant wind direction' web tags.
*Heating and Cooling Degree Days added to dayfile.txt
*New heating/cooling degree days web tags:
*NOOA-style monthly and annual reports
*Internet uploads are now on the hour and every N minutes after, if the supplied interval is a factor of 60.
*Current log file can be specified as a web upload - <currentlogfile>
*Graph display interval can now be set to any value
*Added Davis reception stats
*Option to execute external program after daily rollover
*Initial support for Blake-Larsen sun recorder
*Dayfile.txt editor
*Consecutive rain/dry days
*Multiplier calibration for UV
*Graphs window can appear on task bar
*Last 24 hour rain total
*Daily temperature range, with highs and lows