*''''label_items'''' is a list of all possible data sets to be displayed. Again you can change these to suit. However, the format is a little more involved and you should take some care. Example,....
<pre>['maxtemp','Max Temp','Maximum Temperature',true]</pre>
*The first element, in this case 'maxtemp' --
*Second, '''Max Temp''' is the text to be displayed in the ''button'' at the top of the table. You may change this to your own language
*Third, '''Maximum Temperature''' is the text shown at the top of the table to ''describe the current data set''; again you may change this
*Finally, 'true' will display this button at the top; 'false' will hide it. Therefore, if you do not wish to allow users to jump to the 'Rainfall
== Opening a specific data set ==