m (→Opening a specific data set when the page is first loaded: reference to 'false') |
* (both versions) Assume the dayfile.txt is read from a subfolder called 'data'.
* (JS version only) Insert the table it generates into a HTML element with attribute ''id='tableData' ''
* (both versions) Assume the date format in the dayfile is ''dd/mm/yy'' (the month is always in the middle for all Cumulus log files)
* (both versions) Assume the data in the dayfile is separated with a ''comma''
* (JS Version only) '''tableDiv''' - the HTML element ''id attribute'' on your webpage to insert the table into
* (both versions) '''field_delimiter''' - the symbol separating each of your fields in the dayfile.txt. For most people this is a '''comma''' but (if you use comma to separate integer and decimal parts of real numbers) it could be a semi-colon (''';''') or other symbol.
* (both versions) '''date_delimiter''' - the symbol separating your date format.
Change as needed, save and test